Cause of Calf Pain

I have been running for about 6 months and felt fine. Recently my right calf has been hurting while running. It seems to bother me more when I get done running and feels stiff on the inside. Can calf pain be caused by old shoes and less impact absorbtion? Or would both calves be bothering me if the shoes were the cause? Appreciate any input.
yes...old shoes can be the cause and no...both feet dont have tohurt. Each foot lands differntly and has a different gait pattern, and it is very possible that your shoes are the culprit of this pain. A word to the wise- good footwear can alleviate and prevent a multitude of injuries.
buy some new shoes and see what happens. And as always, stay loose!
Could be many things, only an expert who can see you (visually) and do tests, ask questions and etc would really know as there are many causes of calf pain, even fluke random things that happen out of the blue, like tripping over a kids toy or twisting your ankle after trying to dodge someone on a busy highstreet. Its not always so easy to know the exact cause, but it is possible to work out what the problem is and then work on a sort of cure.

Footware that does not fit, old footware (where the cushioning has become hardened as this is what happens with old trainers), unsupportive shoes if you develop a pronation can also be an issue. Get your Gait checked at a running store, get trainers that fit and then replace every 6 months of 500mils. If you exercise daily try to rotate your trainers with different pairs to prevent bacteria from forming as washing your trainers in the washing machine is also a no go- this can take away from the cushioning and so leave you vugnrable to injury.

Not stretching properly can also cause pain in your calves, there are a rew really good calf stretches you can do- its worth a youtube check and hold your stretches for 30 seconds at least, you feel an intense tightness and eventually this fades away and you have your flexibility back- this is how it should feel after holding a stretch for long enough.

Warming up and cooling down are also important. If you go full steam ahead without warming up your muscles are not get warmed up and so are more likely to become injured. Cooling down is important too as when you exercise your muscles produce lactic acid. As you exercise this gets flushed out of your muscles -but only while you exercise. If you stop suddenly, this lactic acid continues to be created but is not expelled from your muscles, leading to your muscles being damaged in the long term and muscle weakness as a result. Other muscles will take over from the muscles which are injured and they take on too much work so they become vugnrable to becoming damaged.

And another reason you have calf pain could even be due to your running style, your posture and how you are running, if your not using your body in an efficient way its likely your muscles will suffer as a result. See if you can get a personal trainer or gym instructor to advise you on this, rough rule of thimb is to have your head and chest upright, not leaning forward too much not leabing back at all and keep each side of your body level- easier to see if your infront of a mirror at a gym anyway!
I doubt lack of stretching () or cool down () or even shoes are the source of your problem. I would best it is overuse. Back off for a week and see if it improves.
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