Weight-Loss Catabolic foods



New member
I have been reading weight loss online, and came across an article stating that catabolic foods burn more calories tan they supply. Wow i have never heard of this before.. So it leaves me with this question..

If i am on a 1500 calorie a day diet, do i count these foods towards my calorie intake??

What is the difference between high grade and low grade catabolic foods?

Hi Jo,

Yeah, catabolic foods are also referred to as negative calorie or even fat burning foods but there's a lot of hype and myths written about this topic so be careful who you listen to.

In fact, there are even diets which are based solely on eating these foods, but I wouldn't ever recommend them myself for a number of reasons.

Having said that, these foods are often fruits and vegetables low in calories and high in fibre which are fantastic for you and your body so don't be afraid to add these to your diet. However, most experts don't agree that these foods in of themselves can have an effect on fat loss, and if they do the effects are neglible.

Hope that helps.


Joseph Cole