Casein vs Whey for morning

The title pretty much covers it, which is better to take in the morning?

Oh yeah and while I'm here.. I've been taking creatine kre alkyne 3500 for 3-4 weeks now twice a day (4 pills each day), I have seen no physical results. Am I just a non responder? I've noticed I can lift more, but I may just be getting stronger.
Currently I am taking a whey protein shake in the morning, one after working out, and a casein shake before bed. I eat really healthy and get around 120-150 grams of protein a day. I have been eating a lot more calories lately because I'm trying to gain weight, right now I weigh about 143 steady.. I've kept on 2-3 pounds in the past week or so.

I hope that's what you were looking for.
I try to get protein from whole foods whenever possible.

So would you say a half scoop of each? And would you recommend I start mixing the two then? Even after working out too?
good catch Mreik...I agree, 2 shakes a day, one as a snack for convenience, one post workout.

try to stick to whole food at bed time... lean meat, or lowfat cottage cheese.
Sorry to hijack this but I don't feel my question warrants it's own thread and it's a similar question.

I take Calcium Caseinate after my workout,would I be better off taking it an hour beforehand or something as I heard casein releases protein slowly.

not really. keep it post workout, as immediate as possible. if you can, get a whey+casein blend next time you buy protein.
I think i disagree

I think I would disagree with ya here. Although it might be better to get your time release protein from cottage cheese rather than casein powder before bed, Casein is not the type of protein you want right after a work out. You want Whey Isolates because they absorb quickly. Immediately after a work out is when your muscles are anabolic and craving nutrients the most. Taking casein at this time, would only make it harder for them to get the nutrients they need for quick and efficient recovery.

Also, I would say a casein shake in the morning WITH whole proteins such as eggs would be a great start to your day... the casein could/should keep you anabolic for hours afterward. Also... I dont think 3 shakes a day is too much as it is probably also better to take a shake pre work out, as well as post... for a couple reasons, but most importantly, a pre work out meal that is whole food (like a steak or something) would be much harder to deal with than a simple shake (with an apple or something if your not on CKD).

Hope I helped!
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Why take casein with eggs? I'm not saying don't take eggs, but if it's for the protein, then casein covers all your AAs. You could easily just eat some eggs, though.

Also, I think a casein and whey blend is optimal post work out. Also, I've seen that casein will give you a greater protein balance than whey (though this was not done post work out, things could be different then) because casein has an inhibiting effect on protein breakdown.
this thread was almost 3 years old...why did you seek it out to post on it Symphox??