Hi I am currently trying a new approch to eating I will simply eat only when im hungry and stopping when I feal full enough so I am eating way less and proboly maybee even 1600 calories or less I havent counted though but my question is when it comes to the 8 o clock I swich to carrots and celary maybee vegies raw but only when Im hungry sometimes it comes closer to bed time that I get hungry again is it ok to eat carrots and celary before bed it has turned out to be about maybee 2 celary sticks or maybee a carrot and a half(large) if im really hungry or maybee 4 baby carrots
Please read the stickied threads around the forum... Start in on topic then go to Nutrition - and fill in the gaps that are missing in your nutrition education...
What do you think that stopping eating after 8:00pm is doing?
This approach doesn't work for a lot of people because they can't differentiate between true physical hunger and emotional hunger. The hunger response is not only triggered when your body is truly hungry. It can and will be triggered in response to things like stress or any other variable that can alter the hormonal milieu of your body.
If it works for you, great. It's pretty simplistic, so it's certainly nice if it works. But don't get hung up on trying and trying even though/if it doesn't seem to be working.
Trying new things and discarding what doesn't work is what this is all about.
so I am eating way less and proboly maybee even 1600 calories or less I havent counted though
That's a real possibility depending on your stats.
but my question is when it comes to the 8 o clock I swich to carrots and celary maybee vegies raw but only when Im hungry sometimes it comes closer to bed time that I get hungry again is it ok to eat carrots and celary before bed it has turned out to be about maybee 2 celary sticks or maybee a carrot and a half(large) if im really hungry or maybee 4 baby carrots
Not sure if you saw my pics or not, but last night before I went to bed I had a tortilla shell stuffed with chicken, spinach and cheese, a bowl of apple sauce and a handful of nuts.
If you're in a net calorie deficit, I'm interested in hearing the response to Mal's question too.
It's certainly a good idea to stop eating when you feel satisfied but I don't think you should worry about what you eat after a certain time, even if it is only several hours before you go to bed.
Just eat 6 small meals a day and make sure that you vary your diet and don't omit any food groups. You need protein, good fats some carbohydrates and fibre to keep healthy.
By eating small meals regularly you shouldn't feel hungry. I don't have a weight problem but I do eat biscuits, chocolate and the occasional piece of cake with coffee near to bedtime and haven't suffered any ill effects!
Take care and good luck with your dieting
Kathy Joyce
I'm very much not a fan of such rigid guidelines for the simple reason that many people exist who prefer 3 meals per day for whatever reason.
And as long as calories and macros are accounted for, it's not going to make a lick of difference in terms of fat loss whether you eat 3 or 6 meals per day.
So my take is why establish and apply such a rigid rule to everyone?
By eating small meals regularly you shouldn't feel hungry.
But in some cases you're not. I've worked with many people and some people simply feel more satiated, less stressed and better eating fewer meals per day.
I was told one time that it better to eat before 8 it seemed to make sence to me but sometimes I just get hungry before bed is it ok to eat carrots and celary just before bed
I normaly dont do emotional eating (sometimes maybee) but I will eat almost anything but my body tells me real quick if its rich or not like the other day I was a mexican resterant and I order a chicken meal and it came as a fried dish I took one bite and I knew there was mundo calories in there I didnt eat to much more because it was so rich I swiched to the rice and guacamole, sour cream and chips which wasnt much but filled me ok I saved the chicken for the next day when I was hungry
also my body will feal drawn to certain things sometimes or be repelled to somethings sometimes like I went throught a time my body was saying no to nodels and I just have to think about a food and see if I feal drawn to it
I will some times snag a one small peice of a chocolate bar but the funny thing is I can littery ride out the calories of the rich Item I ate and live off of that energy till I feal hungry a few hours later (but in much moderation) my body will just scream if I eat to much of something bad I just feal it being to negitive of a effect
so is it ok to eat carrots or celary just before bed but only if I am hungry(like I said before I wait till im hungry) sometimes I will eat 1 hour before bed(carrots) it is not very offten I eat carrots just before bed but sometimes the hunger just ransacks me just before bed off of this approch so I about have to what do you think
If it takes the hunger away and it makes you feel good then keep doing it.
For me personally, I would rather raw veges for a snack before bed than foods that make me feel heavier. I feel ill if I am stuffed before bed. And well, if you have a partner to snuggle up to, well a really full tummy isn't always the best option for after hours activities.
Eating late at night can often break some people. Not all people, just some tend to eat naughty foods or break their healthy eating plan in the evenings so the raw veges are a good idea.
I think eating when you are hungry is a good idea if you understand your body and eat really well. Some people are hungry all the time and have no idea about nutrition. Good luck!
I am wondering will eating carrots or celary to just make me not hungry before bed affect my weight loss plan (just before bed) what is the effect of carrots and celary as far as weight loss goes
Hi Steve
The 6 meal a day idea is to help dieters who get hungry often and find it hard to go for a longer period without food. It doesn't really matter how many times a day you eat as long as you don't go over the amount of calories you need for your diet.
Hi Steve
The 6 meal a day idea is to help dieters who get hungry often and find it hard to go for a longer period without food. It doesn't really matter how many times a day you eat as long as you don't go over the amount of calories you need for your diet.
that bug you have on you post the first time I saw that I had to brush my screen because I thought there was a bug on it trying to get at the light very realistic lol
another thing I thought that eating to many calories before bed would be not so good because when you go to sleep you body slows it metabolism down and whatever you ate needs maybe 2 hours to digest (when you awake) but when your sleeping you metabolism is slow so it would be more apt to just go to fat storage
this is what I at least believed before now so this is not true?
that bug you have on you post the first time I saw that I had to brush my screen because I thought there was a bug on it trying to get at the light very realistic lol
another thing I thought that eating to many calories before bed would be not so good because when you go to sleep you body slows it metabolism down and whatever you ate needs maybe 2 hours to digest (when you awake) but when your sleeping you metabolism is slow so it would be more apt to just go to fat storage
this is what I at least believed before now so this is not true?