Carnitine, CLA, Methionine....

Hi! I'm so confused... can someone please guide me?

I have a healthy diet. Don't eat red meat. Cardio 3 days per week. Strength train 3 days per week. I take a great multi, some antioxidants, high quality fish oil, probiotics, and a few other herbs every now and then. I am in weight maintenance mode.

I am considering adding CLA, carnitine, and/or methionine as I've read that these supplements can help with weight maintenance, muscle recover, etc. However, for every good thing I read, I seem to read something negative.

Should I take any or all of these supplements. Are they helpful and safe? If you recommend one, what dosage?
I will first start off by "schooling" you on what those Amino acids are;).

Carnitine. IS mainly for endurance so do not expect to be able to lift more on this substance. It well versed for people trying to loose weight because of its ability to increase the rate of which your liver oxidizes fats. which in turn helps with energy. as well has been shown in a quite a number of studys to be great at protecting users from cardiovascular disease.
I would suggest a dose of 2000MG taken twice daily. (WARNING do not take this dose if you have a history of liver or kidney disease or possibly diabetes)

Is to some degree an antioxidant, aswell as act as a "lipotropic" agent which in turns helps with fat buildup in the liver and entire body. I can not remember a dosage for supplementing.

As for CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) From what i remember reading about it. Has many positive benefits with no known side affects. the benefits of what i remember are things like faster metabolism and showed to actually help Muscle building. 3 grams a day should do well here.

All of the above are safe. Remember when supplementing individual amino acids its a good rule of thumb to take a 2 week break off of them every 8weeks. This will negate the chance of having an imbalance of any single amino acid wheres absorption might be inhibited by a higher intake of one over the other. I hope this helped.
I would just add that if your diet is well balanced, with plenty of lean animal protein, its unlikely that you need to supplement with specific amino acids.

Professional athletes train so frequently and so hard that they do benefit from direct amino supplementation. For most of us, its just wasted money. I mean, look at the ordinary, slender people out there that don't use 'weight management' supplements.
I'd prob get a b vitamin and creatine since you'll be lacking these in sufficient quantity in your diet with the lack of red meat.

I wouldn't see the need for methionine unless you're having liver problems.