Career change and need a whole new work out regiment have questions

I have questions about a total paradigm change as far as how I work out. It includes multiple facets so I was not sure which forum it should go in.

This may take some time to explain. Some time back I was in outstanding shape. I suffered an injury that took some time to recover from. I got out of shape during that time frame and my waist line grew. I then started working on changing that. My waist line decreased a bit but not as much as it use to be. However, I did get in pretty decent shape though. I could run good distances and enjoyed biking. The steeper the hill the better. I then settled into a job I hated and I allowed my self to get out of shape again. Now, I am making a change and I am looking at getting into fire fighting. The physical tests to get in are tough and I am in no shape to do it. I doubt running and biking alone will work. I also have to build up my upper body, but I do not want to lift weights. I think packing on muscle will be counter productive. Because this will have to be done differently than what I am use to, I need some input from people with different experiences. What would be a good routine to cut some weight and increase cardio while building upper body? I think I know the answer to that, but I want to know what others have to say as well.

Also, feel free to toss in some food ideas as well. Losing weight for me is very tough and I think I can improve my diet a bit.
Thanks for the heads up.
That post was massive spam, so don't bother...

Anyway, I'm unsure of your upper body weight idea. You want to build your upper body, but think that putting on muscle will be counter productive? What's your reasoning on that? (And you realize that "building" means putting on muscle, right?)

Also, what's your experience with other forms of exercise? And what is your current diet like?
I thought it looked funny. What I meant was I do not want to get big again. I want strength and endurance. I use to lift weights, run, and bike. That worked great but I put on some muscle mass. This time around I want to wiegh less all around. I do not want to burn of 20 pounds of fat just to replace it with muscle mass.
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I'd say that you can still lift weights. Higher reps with less weight (or at least less overload) train strength and endurance, and keep up cardiovascular exercise. HIIT training is also fantastic for overall body strength and fat loss, so you might want to try that out.

Ground poultry? You might want to go with food that's a less processed than that. (In other words, the actual, whole meat.) You also need ample amounts of carbs to fuel your workout as well as plenty of fruits and vegetables. Take a look through the nutrition thread for some more in-depth ideas.
I am increasing my friuts and veggies. I come from a body biulder back ground so going big is all I know. I may not have access to a gym for a while so I am thinking push ups are going to be my friend. I also have to be able to run stares for the Fire Fighter test. Other than actually running stares, any ideas on how I can improve in that area? I ask becuase I do not have access to any good stares to run.
Duh, I feel dumb now. I did not think of the hill idea. That was a good idea.