cardio plan

Hi All! I'm fairly new to this site and so I have seem to have so many questions to ask...I just recently started a weight lifting program four days a week. Legs for two and upper body for the other two. I also want to add running into my program perferrably three days a week. I'm new to running and I'm just curious what I should start out doing?? Minutes? Miles? I'm trying to go outside when the weather permits but I do have a treadmill if needed. Any suggestions on cardio to add to my workout?? My main goal is to tone up and stay lean but I also want the benefits only cardio can give you especially for helping to carve out the muscle I'm building. Thanx!
If you are new to running, just be sure to start slowly. I would begin with a brisk walk for about 3-5 minutes to warm-up. I would then jog slowly for as long as you are comfortable, that could be 30 seconds or 3 minutes or longer, go by your how your body feels. Go back to a brisk walk until you feel you are ready to jog again and repeat the procedure. Remember, listen to your body. I would do this routine for at least your first week and aim for 20 minute workouts at first, if most of that 20 minutes happens to be walking, then so be it. Take it one step at a time. You will eventually build up your endurance and be able to jog/run for longer stretches. I'm sure others will offer their insight as well. Good luck