Cardio Machines

Just wondaring for the basic cardio machines that are at the gym (tread mill, eliptical, bike) which do you prefer and why? another question is, right now i'm just looking to lose some fat, is the eliptical good for this? I know running on the tread mill or outside is better, but I absolutly detest running and prefer the eleptical, mostly because i can see the tv's, where as on the treadmill i can't. Gotta keep up on the new yah know?

Anyways everybodys oppinion and 2 cents would be helpful. thanks
The verdict is still out on which is better, an elliptical or a treadmill (or even a bike). The most important thing is for you to work out consistently. The best thing is to alternate cardio and strength days to give your muscles time to recover. And you really need to do both or your cardio workouts will end up burning up some of your muscle. On treadmills or ellipticals, the best program setting to use is the random one...that way your muscle memory doesn't get used to one work out. When that happens the workouts become less and less effective.

I hope that helps!

-The Treadmill Sensei
When it comes to cardiovascular activitiy, there is no better way to do it if your goal is burning fat. Whatever you like the most is the best.
The main thing is to find something that you can maintain a steady target heart rate with.

I personally like the elliptical and the bike. Bike for warming up and elliptical for cardio session.
thanks for the replys. I like the eliptical the best, i was only asking cause i was flipping channels and landed on some fitness reality show. the personal trainer on the show doesn't like the eliptical cause it isn't a natural body movement. so i was just wondaring what people preferences were and why.
midlifecrisis said:
ellipticals feel uncomfortable to most people until they get used to them. Once they do, they won't do cardio on anything else.

ellipticals just dont do it for me.. i like to run on a treadmill on days when its hecka hot/sunny outside lol


i've used the elliptical machines during my earlier training days lol, pretty good workout. same goes to the stairmasters
Joey007 said:
ellipticals just dont do it for me.. i like to run on a treadmill on days when its hecka hot/sunny outside lol


i've used the elliptical machines during my earlier training days lol, pretty good workout. same goes to the stairmasters

My wife is the same way, she has been running and using a NordicTrack Cross Country Ski Machine for the last 14 years.
Example of how a cardio workout can look for me

1st: Stairmaster 10min
2nd: The most fun exercise: 500m all out laps on the rowing machine, 4-5times with 1min rest inbetween between. You pretty much die.
3rd: Bike, great as last exercise since you can really just go on and on forever without loosing the technique, basically as fast as the body can do for 15min

I change it around a lot tho and really its nothing that beats a good run outside in the summertime.(with a fit booty running infront :D )
The jump rope.

It's the cheapest, pretty space efficient, can be done almost anywhere, and is easy to put away when you're finished. :)
i personally love the bike! its a greatworkout but not taxing on teh body like running. ive also noticed muscle definition in my legs since using it! plus if you get bored during long exercise you can read a magazine on teh bike (impossible with running). i actually enjoy most of the cardio machines except the stair master(may not count as cardio). i like ot mix it up too as sometimes i dont want to use the treadmill so will use the cross trainer instead.
I think the elliptical gives you a better workout cause you are standing rather than sitting on a bike. I would shop around and lok for the best elliptical I could find, since the cheap ones tend to have problems. Bikes are not as troublesome.