Cardio + Lose Excess Weight

How would i lose some excess body fat for my abs because my stomach is pretty hard just cant see any abs, i can even squeeze my skin for about a few cm then its like i can feel my abs. I measured a 2 runs on google earth
-3.25 km run
-x0.61 km run (x meaning how many laps)
How much minutes or km/miles will it take to lose some excess body fat?
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I find long, slow runs really burn the fat. The key is to go out, maintain a good pace, and don't stop.
I like to train by increasing workouts each week.
If you're doing 3.25km now, your next goal could be 3.5 or 3.75. For example, if you're running in a city, do one more city block each week. I always find it more motivating to train with a buddy, but maybe your dream of looking like David Hasselhoff is motivation enough. :p

For your age, your heart rate should be somewhere between 100-120 beats per minute to be in a fat burning zone. If you don't have a heart rate monitor, it might take a while to develop a good pace.

Be patient with it though, it'll come with time. Weight loss isn't an overnight thing - developing an active, healthy lifestyle is great, even if not much weight is shed.

Be safe and take care!

> James
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The worst way to loose weight is actually cardio. If you want to become thin you want to stay away from cardio. The thing to do is actually weight-training. 1 pound of muscle burns 50 calories a day! Enough said ;)

You burn calories, when you train using weights. When doing cardio you burn a lot of energy too, but you also break down muscle. Muscles are the number 1 energy-burner in your body. Hypothetically, you might burn 300 calories from one session on the treadmill or from running, but at the same time you have broken down muscle tissue, and therefore your body don't need the same energy it did before: you cannot eat as much on a daily basis as you did before the cardio.

Say you weight-train for 1 month and put on 5 punds of pure muscle. This means, you need 250 more calories a day to keep your energy balance. At the same time, as said, you burn calories when weight-training. If you manage to eat the same as you did before beginning the training, you lose weight. When doing cardio, you need to change your eating habits a lot in order to lose weight.

He he, this post is like "Blah blah blah", sorry about that, but to make it understandable: If you want to lose fat, stay away from cardio most of the time, instead begin training with weights. Just pm me, if you want me to make it more clear why that is ;)