Cardio is the best but theres a problem

I been running steadly each day or every two days for about 7 months now.
I have lost about 15kgs and am in very good shape considerd to the chubby guy that was me 7 months back.
The runs use to be 20 mins long but now I run for about 1 hour,lol I have become so fit as well in the process thats why I thought I had to run for an hour to feel the burn that I felt when i ran 20mins.
The thing is I wanna build some muscle and was wondering if running for an hour will aid in that or maybe cause muscle to be wasted and I become real skinny?
I don't wanna be beefy just lean with definition and not huge.
Please excuse me if I sound crazy Im not to clued in with muscles etc, I ran to loose fat and It has worked :)
well if ya wanna gain muscle you should do some weightlifting maybe even some push ups. I would reccomend bench press and maybe some curls even some reverse curls if ya want. Running isnt "wasting muscle" but its not really gonna add any its more for endurance and weight loss.
So its ok to run as long as I want?
Am I wasting my time if I run longer than say a certain time period or is there a set amount of running time I should do?
Cheers :)
i recommend you eat protien rich foods like eggs chicken etc. and healthy carbs mate. Lift challenging free wieghts, dont use machines you will start to see results in weeks. Careful tho, it can be addictive i only wanted to tone up but cant stop lifting now!
How often should I eat in a day? I don't wanna bulk up, I just wanna be lean with definitions.
Cheers for the advice mate