Cardio Help

hi i am in police program at school and at the end of this semester we are doin the police prep test which comes along with the beep test aka shuttle run. right now i can only get to 3 an a half minutes. and am suppose to get either 7 or 7.5 (not 100% sure)..i have 13 weeks to improve my cardio. and i have access to a gym with pretty much anything. now i run for about 20 mins evry 2-3 days but i kno that it does not really do much. so please if anyone has a program in mind or jus tips i would really appreciate it. thank you
Maybe try interval training? it can improve your fitness and lung capacity.

Warm up by jogging for 5 -15 minutes depending on what your aiming for time wise and if your pushed for time

Next spring- as fast as you can for 40 to 60 seconds. If you find you can run that fast for longer, your not running fast enough.

After the sprint, slow down to a jog. Not so your walking, but not running fast either, faster then your warm up though.

Repeat the above 5 to 10 times, then move on to a different exercise.

Aim to vary whatever you do, your body can adapt to what you put infront of it very easily and then you no longer get the benefits of it as much. Try doing interval training on the bike (Work on the rpm being 70 then sprints of 100 to 120 then back to 70,) or the cross trainer (speed of 120 then up to 180 to 210 then back down to 70) general rule of thumb is, if you can go much faster then the above speeds, you've not got the intensity up high enough. Try the next level up.

Keep a record of your achievements, it will feel better when you look back on it a month later. By doing interval training, your overall muscle and fitness should benefit and I'd have thought your stamina too so the police bleep check shouldn't be impossible!
Sprinting is the single most beneficial workout for aerobic/anaerobic capacity. I would suggest starting with a moderate running program though for a week or two just so you get your body used to running. Sprinting, when done correctly, should make you want to kill yourself rather than keep going.

Next sprint- as fast as you can for 40 to 60 seconds. If you find you can run that fast for longer, your not running fast enough.

These are some good ideas here. However I think sprinting at 100% for 40 - 60 seconds is a bit unnescessary, and for a beginner might be completely impossible. Try 20 seconds to start with and slowly work up to 30 seconds.

My suggestion would be to use 100m intervals instead. You can use two methods for this:

1. Sprint at 100% intensity.
2. Walk back.
3. Repeat 4 - 6 times.


1. Sprint at 80 - 90% intensity.
2. Jog back.
3. Repeat 4 - 6 times.

Note, the textbook I use for conditioning suggests that sprinting more than 600m in total leads to diminishing returns. So 400 - 600m is the optimal total distance in a sprinting workout.

There is also the method of Tabata intervals which another member on this forum introduced to me. So far I've only been using it for a week but already I've noticed a big difference from only a small amount of training, and is good if your legs are too weak to run on a regular basis.

On a stationary bike:

1. Warm up (5 minutes).
2. Cycle as hard as you possibly can for 20 seconds (aim for 450 watts).
3. Rest for 10 seconds (aim for 75 watts).
4. Repeat steps 2. and 3. eight times, for a total of 4 minutes.

This site provides a better explanation of the above:

Good luck with your training, it might seem impossible at the start but if you have commitment you will achieve things you never would have imagined you were capable of.
Tabata training for about 45 mins.