Sport Cardio and Weight Training Nutrition

Sport Fitness
Okay, so im at the point now where I havent really started weight lifting yet, but i am doing cardio. Im going to try to hit cardio and run 2-3 miles a day, but i've got a few questions. What should I eat as far as pre-cardio is concerned and what should I eat after a cardio workout? And how long before//after should I eat these? And just to get on top of things, what are good pre and post weight lifting meals? And how long before should I eat these?

If it makes a difference, I'll be doing cardio at around 7pm and when i start weight lifting, i'll be doing it twice a day; once in the am (around 5am) and once in the afternoon (around 4pm-5pm)

Thanks in advance
you're working out too much. cardio OR weights, not both in the same day.

and two weight workouts a day will ruin your goals. once a day, 3x a week is god's plenty until you start looking like a bodybuilder. at that point you'll need to pick up the pace.

right nwo you're a newbie. doing daily pushups would be enough training for you. don't overdo it!
you're working out too much. cardio OR weights, not both in the same day.

and two weight workouts a day will ruin your goals. once a day, 3x a week is god's plenty until you start looking like a bodybuilder. at that point you'll need to pick up the pace.

right nwo you're a newbie. doing daily pushups would be enough training for you. don't overdo it!

I sometimes do workouts and cardio on the same day, how is it so bad. I do a full body 3-4 times a week and happen to do cardio 5-6 times a week with one off day?????
I'm in a cutting phase, and I'll pretty much always do a 20 minute run after my fullbody session, and I don't think that's too much. When bulking, it's best to keep cardio days seperate, and limited. When I was bulking, I only did 2 HIIT sessions a week. Now that I'm cutting, I do 2-3 HIIT sessions, and 3-4 steady state runs...
word up

yea dude me 2 and i've been doin it for 3 weeks and lost 7 pounds and can finally start seein the abs so hopefully it keeps workin even tho i dont have much to lose
you're working out too much. cardio OR weights, not both in the same day.

and two weight workouts a day will ruin your goals. once a day, 3x a week is god's plenty until you start looking like a bodybuilder. at that point you'll need to pick up the pace.

right nwo you're a newbie. doing daily pushups would be enough training for you. don't overdo it!

I know. Im probably not going to start lifting until the end of the school year or this summer when i can actually make it to the gym in the mornings. Right now im just running once a day and am going to slowly build that to two times a day (30 min in the morning before a meal and then again at night for 45 minutes or so). But what should I be eating before and after a workout? Once I start lifting, im going to probably hit the gym 3-5 times a week (not all full body workouts, but concentrate on certain muscles a day) and follow that with some cardio. How does that sound?

Or, instead of waiting so long, you could go get yourself 2 dumbbells and 50 pounds worth of weight (in total) and start right now.
Once I start lifting, im going to probably hit the gym 3-5 times a week (not all full body workouts, but concentrate on certain muscles a day) and follow that with some cardio. How does that sound?

Not that great really. What the hell are you goals man? running marathons, or putting on layers of muscle? the two are totally different goals requiring different nutrition and training regimens.

Also, don't try to do the damn 'one body part a day' type lifting. As I already clearly stated, you are a noobie, so train like one. Pro body-builders with a decade of training will do 'one muscle a day' because they have to. You on the other hand could do pushups and pullups and bodyweight squats...and see results. Why? Because you're a noobie trainee so any level of strength training is more than you did, and thus your body adapts by gaining muscle mass.

Its all constantly evolving and adapting. And if you try to jump into the middle instead of starting at the beginning, you'll get poor results, possibly injured, and will be less likely to stick to your program...ultimately failing to meet your goals.

Ok, lecture is over :)
^Golden Response