I follow a strict keto way of eating, it is very effective, and there is a lot of modern science to support it, but the conversion period can be rough and you do need some good willpower in the first few weeks.
I follow a strict keto way of eating, it is very effective, and there is a lot of modern science to support it, but the conversion period can be rough and you do need some good willpower in the first few weeks.
thank you for your replay -
so basically you eat 30 g of carbs per day right?
can you share your meal plan? I heard good stuff of the keto (paleo) but there are so much information so I don't know were to start....
when calculating your carb intake, do not count the carbs in any fibre you eat, aim to get the majority of your carbs from fresh highly nutritious vegetables.Remember fruit is often very high in sugar so fresh berries are a better option. Do not go out of your way to consume fats to replace the carbs you have cut, (Fat bombs are not needed) although fats are not your enemy they are high calorie and should be limited if your goal is to loose weight. It is important to get adequate protein.
You do not need to avoid carbs. It's just important to choose the right ones that move slowly through your body. This will help to stabilize insuline level. Three nutrients differ in how quickly they supply energy and carbohydrates are the quickest.