Sport carbs - when should i eat them?

Sport Fitness
As the day progresses, I would recommend that you tapper your carbs off so that by the time you hit your last meal, you are consuming little to no carbs at all. The opposite should go for fat consumption. Protein should remain constant throughout with the largest protein rich meal post workout (if you work out)
for example, the only evening carbs I get are from milk products, because its unavoidable.

eating bread, pasta, and other starchy carbs late in the day isn't good, and it tends to trigger more hunger late in the evening due to the insulin response.
You should maybe try and change the type of carbs you eat - eating salad with dinner is good, although technically salad is carbs. But anyway if you want to eat carbs like bread, cereal etc, then try to eat them only at breakfast time, then your body can use them instead of storing them.
I understood the rule of thumb was simple carbs (e.g. fruits) before 2pm, and complex carbs in moderation throughout the day.