Sport Carbs in Fruit + Vegies

Sport Fitness
I eat a lot (as in like 4) frutis a day. Usually nectarines (2), oranges (2) and apples (2). I noticed while looking at the nutrition facts that these fruits have a lot of carbs in them. Apple (medium) 19.06g, Nectarine (medium) 14.56 g, Orange (Large) 16.27 g.
I'm assuming since these are fruits these are "good" carbs, and after all besides this the only other place I get carbs is from the cereal I eat in the mourning.
Am I right, or can these effect fat loss for the worst?
Well, what ELSE are you eating? Are you doing a low glycemic index diet?
The carbs come from fructose, a sugar. Apples/Oranges are supposed to be low GI food which is good. However, the calories count neverthless and will determine the fat loss.
by themselves, fruits and veggies wont hender fat loss. they are some of the best foods you can eat.
That's very good to hear.

What I eat now is simple.
Mourning - Total (2x bowls) + Can of Tuna + Orange
3 hours later - Chicken breast or another can of tuna + Bowl (2 cups) of mixed vegies
2 hours later - tuna + nectarine
3 hours later - Chicken breast or Fish (haddock or samon)
Last meal (around 7) - I'll have some fruit or if I'm real hungry another bowl of vegies

It's not the most exciting meal plan, but I'm in it for the protein, low fat, and low calories. I'm trying to do 1500 a day, some days I only get to 1200.

Abear, what do you mean, "by themselves"?
you might hear from some people that you shouldnt eat fruits when trying to lose bodyfat because they hinder fat loss. like that no matter what you do and what you eat, fruits will be what causes you problems. alan aragon summed this up very well

1) fruits are calorically sparse & nutritionally dense. not mentally dense like folks who tell others to avoid them.

2) fruits are an effective default fiber & water source. you will **** better & function better.

3) fruits have small amounts of fructose per serving (4-7g). this is perfect for preserving liver glycogen & indirectly, skeletal muscle glycogen status. muscle glycogen is better replenished when small amounts of fructose are present in the postW mix.

4) a liver lacking glyco-replenishment = multiple catabolic signalling cascades = compromised gains in skeletal muscle. fructose facilitates "fed state" signals to the brain. too complex to get into right now, but this is a good thing.

5) fruits contain system & recovery-enhancing phytonutrients & antioxidant factors not present in any other food species.

6) there is not a solitary shred of science indicating ill effects on health, body composition, or physical performance as a result of eating fruit. some of the leanest, longest-living populations on the planet earth eat fruit daily.

7) it would take the consumption of a truck bed of fruits to ingest amounts of fructose associated with negative metabolic effects seen in forcefed rats. the funny thing about this is, fruit is one of the rare foods in nature that you can actually fill yourself up with, & still not tip the balance of risk versus benefit.

8) fruit avoidance just plain makes no damn sense whatsoever -- but then again, how many idiotic bodybuilding myths do you know of that do?
i'd replace the cereal with oats as cereal tends to be extremely processed