Fascinating read:
Synopsis for those in a hurry:
"Eat less saturated fat: that has been the take-home message from the U.S. government for the past 30 years. But while Americans have dutifully reduced the percentage of daily calories from saturated fat since 1970, the obesity rate during that time has more than doubled, diabetes has tripled, and heart disease is still the country’s biggest killer. Now a spate of new research, including a meta-analysis of nearly two dozen studies, suggests a reason why: investigators may have picked the wrong culprit. Processed carbohydrates, which many Americans eat today in place of fat, may increase the risk of obesity, diabetes and heart disease more than fat does...
...no association between the amount of saturated fat consumed and the risk of heart disease...
The finding joins other conclusions of the past few years that run counter to the conventional wisdom that saturated fat is bad for the heart because it increases total cholesterol levels. That idea is “based in large measure on extrapolations, which are not supported by the data,” Krauss says."
In other words, a breakfast of Cherios or Special K or oatmeal instead of eggs and bacon or a dinner of pasta and toast instead of steak may be what's making you fat! More evidence for the hunter/gatherer diet (protien sources: meat, nuts, eggs; and fruits, berries and vegetables) and against processed foods.
Synopsis for those in a hurry:
"Eat less saturated fat: that has been the take-home message from the U.S. government for the past 30 years. But while Americans have dutifully reduced the percentage of daily calories from saturated fat since 1970, the obesity rate during that time has more than doubled, diabetes has tripled, and heart disease is still the country’s biggest killer. Now a spate of new research, including a meta-analysis of nearly two dozen studies, suggests a reason why: investigators may have picked the wrong culprit. Processed carbohydrates, which many Americans eat today in place of fat, may increase the risk of obesity, diabetes and heart disease more than fat does...
...no association between the amount of saturated fat consumed and the risk of heart disease...
The finding joins other conclusions of the past few years that run counter to the conventional wisdom that saturated fat is bad for the heart because it increases total cholesterol levels. That idea is “based in large measure on extrapolations, which are not supported by the data,” Krauss says."
In other words, a breakfast of Cherios or Special K or oatmeal instead of eggs and bacon or a dinner of pasta and toast instead of steak may be what's making you fat! More evidence for the hunter/gatherer diet (protien sources: meat, nuts, eggs; and fruits, berries and vegetables) and against processed foods.