Sport Carbonated water

Sport Fitness
I was told by another trainer at my gym that carbonated water caused your body to hold fat. I have never read or heard this anywhere else and it sounds nuts.

Yes, soda has a lot of crap in that will make you fat, but that carbonated water in and of itself will hold fat in your body?

Anyone else ever hear this?
I only know of carbonated water (pure water with carbonation) to make you retain gas and not fat. Look at the nutritional contents, the one I am speaking of has no nutritional values like plain water would have.
I can't drink carbonated drinks i avoid them for quenching my thirst during training.
sometimes it can even upset my stomach...all that gas escaping the fluid when it hits yer gut.
Eating Acidic foods can cause you to retain more fat... because you body uses fat to balance PH when in an acidic state...

also carbonated beverages leach calcium... or compete for it... because they contain phosphoric acid...

So I haven't done enough research to explain all the science behind it or to know if it is true... but that is kinda the theory out there... Not sure how much carbonated beverages actually affect your PH but I started dropping weigh just by not drinking diet soda and drinking water... that being said... I dropped 80 pounds while drinking 2-3 liters of diet soda a day...