Sport Carb Cutting Diet

Sport Fitness
Hi...I'm new to this and I just wanted to get some opinons
I just started this carb cutting diet in which you eat high protein (157g) and lower carbs (105g) per day. For 3 days, you follow this regimine and on the 4th day eat 130g of protein and 225g of carbs. Its supposed to jump start your metabolism. Has anyone ever tried anything like this or heard anything good/bad about it?

What's the diet called? That's a huge increase in carbs, and I'm not sure I agree. Do you have more info?
Yeah, I tend to agree with Lynn on this one. I don't think I like it either. Also, what's your fat intake supposed to be during this "diet ?"
Well it sounds like a bad version of carb cycling. And are these numbers what you figured out for yourself by your stats or are they just pre-done numbers this diet gives you? If the later then beware of anything that asigns one amount for a variety of people. And I agree where are the fats in this scenero as they are just as important in any diet plan. Figuring out ratios and what to eat when and where is of course an individual thing however there are some tried and tested ratios that seem to be good start off points to change and work from. I personally have bounced between a 40/20/40 and a 40/25/35. However i also have slightly higher carb days and higher protein days but both are keep within reason.

Are you in a plateau or just wanting to keep things guessing for the hell of it? If not in a plateau i would go with a more steady ratio plan and then if you reach a plateau use more carbs one day or more protein another to shock the system some, however i think the high amount is just a little to high period (this of course not knowing your stats, so i am not sure)
Thanks everyone for the information.
Its a pre-set amount of carbs/protein/fat but you are supposed to adjust it to make sure that you are losing no more than 2 lbs per week, and if so increase carbs. The fat intake is 39g on the low carb days and 40g on the high day.
I have reached a plateau for about 2 months. I lost 30lbs by exercising and eating healthier, however paid no attention to carbs/protein/fat. I pretty much just lowered my calorie intake. Now, I have not been able to lose anymore weight in the past two months and heard about this and wanted to try something new. I just don't want to do anything unhealthy or that will set me back in progress.
I have also recently started eating 6 smaller meals per day. Thanks!
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carb cycling is excellent if working out with wts reguarly at least 4/week...the ratio's a little out though in that i think u should be having no more than 30 - 50g of carbs for 3 days then straight after wts session on 4th day have a 12hr carb up period...this allows the body to use more carbs than it otherwise would (supercompensation) works like a slow metabolism.. in that the body thinks that it might not get carbs for a while so when they are avaiiable they will store more than normal in the liver and muscles but not as fat...on low carbs days your protein and fat cals should be 50/50 but then decrease fat cals and replace with carbs on re feed days..u mite need to lower protein a little too but still have it at 30 - 40% of total cal intake for them days