Car Wash


New member
So now that the warm weather is rolling in and I'm lookin for active things to do, I wash my car by hand in my drive way. [I always have for the last three years, wont EVER waste money on a car wash!] If I had the ideal weather I'd wax it too but eh, I'm lazy. lol.

Do you guys wash your cars yourself? Why or why not?

it depends, normally on time. i want to wash my car tomorrow, but since i have work i'll probably just take it to the car wash and high pressure hose it off. if it's nice out and i have time, i wash it in the driveway and dry it. i'm too lazy to wax it. everytime i wash my car, it rains! how frustrating.
it depends, normally on time. i want to wash my car tomorrow, but since i have work i'll probably just take it to the car wash and high pressure hose it off. if it's nice out and i have time, i wash it in the driveway and dry it. i'm too lazy to wax it. everytime i wash my car, it rains! how frustrating.

I typically park my car under this one tree cause its the only spot left in my driveway...

well the one day the tree was in bloom and I worked hard to get all those dropped blooms OFF my car with the hose and such...

dumb me parked it back under the tree and within an hour it was totally covered in pink petals. Not my brightest moment but man I was mad!
My well water is too hard and leaves a nasty film, so I take my car through the drive-through.

Of course, I still did it that way when I was on city water. :)
Every week without fail, doesnt matter if it raining/snowing etc.
Then every month i'll wax it, dress the trim, dress the engine bay, and interior too.
& of course no harsh sponges or cloths for me, only hotel grade towels, microfibres and lambswool wash mitts.

My neighbours think im completely insane of course lol

I've never undertsood people who use carwashes, all the dirty harsh brushes to nicely scratch and swirl up your paint.