Weight-Loss Can't stomach vegetables--advice?



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Healthy eating habits were not taught or enforced in my household as a child. Most meals were from a box or fast food. Now that I'm an adult and trying to practice healthier habits and lose a large amount of weight, I am having trouble with vegetables. I can eat them chopped *very* finely in sauces and things of that nature, but I can't stomach the taste and texture of them in their actual "vegetable form". I have tried, and it literally makes me physically sick to my stomach.

I know that vegetables are an essential part of a healthy diet, so is there any advice as to how I can incorporate them? I was thinking perhaps some of these green smoothie recipes that I've found on Pinterest which contain things like spinach, kale and fruits.

This is my first post on here by the way, and thanks for any help!
Keep eating vegetables. You don't like them because you're not used to them. We're slaves to our habits until we consciously make an honest effort to break them.

Example: I used to despise olives. Hated them. Couldn't eat a single one without wanting to regurgitate it. But I tried them again and again, and after some time, I learnt to really enjoy them. Now, I love adding some to my salads or even eat them just like that together with some feta cheese and a piece of bread and olive oil.

Also try experimenting. I find it hard to believe that out of such a big number of vegetables available in today's supermarkets you can't stand a single one of them.
I'd second what The Heretic said. Keep trying. I used to be very, very picky when it came to vegetables as well, and couldn't eat some of them at all. Even the smell made me nauseous. I kept trying, and experimenting with them. Tried them raw, cooked, pickled, steamed and all the other ways you could prepare them. Nowadays there is one left that I can't get down, all the others are okay. I'm even eating spinach, which used to be the bane of my childhood and my life until a few months ago.
I think some veg are more dodgy cooked (e.g. spinach) and in their raw form are preferable.

What about salad veggies? Things like celery or peppers? I find sometimes mixing veg in with rice or some other part of the meal can help to 'disguise' them.

Stick with it - there must be some veg out there for you. Corn, peas & carrots are all pretty inoffensive to start with... Good luck!
Here are some ideas from a vegetable lover who hates steamed veg and broccoli and has a 2 year old daughter

Chop and roast any and add a few bits of bacon and mushrooms for meatiness
Chop fine and add to pizza as topping
Fold roasted veg into couscous, pasta sauce or into a curry paste