Can't Sleep....


New member
Ok so far the past few days have been going pretty good, getting into a new lifestyle with my exercise, eating habits, and vitamins, but.....I'm having trouble sleeping. I've always had a touch of insomnia but the past couple of nites I just can't get to sleep without pretty much forcing myself no matter how tired I am. I've tried Tylenol PM which makes my arms and legs restless after about an hour, I've tried counting sheep and other cute little furry animals, drinking milk, laying there with my eyes shut and refusing to open them til daylight lol. Maybe someone out there has a new remedy to try. Please help me!
Lately I have had no issues falling asleep around 1am as my puppy has me out of bed by 7:45 every day after his 3am potty break. However, before I got my little ball of pure energy with a bladder the size of a pea I used to have trouble getting to sleep.

Sometimes what worked for me is I just imagined myself in a white room, no walls, nothing around, pushing all my worries/thoughts cavorting around in my head as far away as I could. Then I would imagine that my body was becoming weightless – starting with a tingling sensation in the tips of my fingers and toes, moving toward my torso. I would be in the process of working over my waist when I usually passed out. I don’t know why or how it worked, or if it works for others, and yes I know that sounds insane and probably is :leaving:

Good luck falling asleep :)
I have/had insomnia most of my adult life...

There are a million different websites with all sorts of tricks and tips to help you fall asleep - some work -some dont.. .the more you try to force it though -the worse it gets...

Your bed should be for sleeping/sex only... that's it - it's not your office, it's nto your television watching place it's not your reading room - once you equate bed to sleep/sex only - then it helps to put your mind in the right place.

Your bedroom should be cool but not cold.. temperature helps a lot for sleep.

White noise helps me out - I have a sound machine that sounds like waterfall that sometimes helps -but sometimes just makes me want to pee all night - the AC fan is also good white noise...

if you're taking any meds - check for potental side effects - like insomnia.. even over the counter meds can cause that side effect... and if you're taking any type of diet pill - most contain some form of stimulant which doesn't help with sleep...
I tried the white room idea last nite around 3am when I finally felt like I was ready to try and sleep again. With the toddler in our room he has to have the TV going all nite or he won't sleep so I can't eliminate the noise from that but I was able to kinda block it out in the "white room". Worked pretty good til around 6am when hubby called on his way to work and woke the toddler who was up and ready to go play with our new kitten. I'm gonna try it again tonite at an earlier time and see how it works. Thanks for the advice and maybe I can get more sleep.
I"m not sure why your toddler is in your room (small place perhaps?), but if the TV is keeping you up then either the kid needs to sleep in the living room or maybe you can try keeping him awake pretty late so that when he does fall asleep he's too tired to be concerned with background noise. Granted having the TV on is better than a screaming kid, but you can't run yourself ragged for his quirks. And since you're the mom, you get to make the decisions:) Now if having the TV on is not the culprit then something is amiss... perhaps your diet is too extreme? This is all pending that you didn't have issues before. But extreme dieting will make you an insomniac because I've been there. And if you're laying in bed awake starving... so hungry that you know you can't sleep because there's no food in your stomach... then you need to eat something (and no it won't make you gain weight) and you'll fall asleep.
We do have a very small house, so as of right now the toddler has to b in our room, but that will change in the next couple of months when he is moved into a room with his older brother and their sister gets her own room. Until then I have got to get him sleeping without the tv or at least some other form of noise. Maybe even trying turning the tv down everynite until it is eventually muted. Or I might try the sound machine maleficent mentioned. Wish me luck, lol.
I tried the white room idea last nite around 3am when I finally felt like I was ready to try and sleep again. With the toddler in our room he has to have the TV going all nite or he won't sleep so I can't eliminate the noise from that but I was able to kinda block it out in the "white room". Worked pretty good til around 6am when hubby called on his way to work and woke the toddler who was up and ready to go play with our new kitten. I'm gonna try it again tonite at an earlier time and see how it works. Thanks for the advice and maybe I can get more sleep.

Wow, so I am not the only crazy one the white room kinda works for ;) . I think turning down the tv a little more each night until it's eventually muted or a white noise machine would be a good thing, ween him off of the sound. It's difficult because you want to give them what they want, but while they are taking their afternoon nap you have to squeeze in cooking, cleaning, and homework time with the other kids. I am wishing you luck, I don't envy you your sleep deprivation, hopefully things will improve soon :)
Eureka! I think I've got it! The past couple of nites I have turned the TV to a channel that has very soothing music for me and my little nite owl. I still use the white room to help me relax my mind and body and combined with the lower volume of the music(instead of cartoons) I have slept very well the past couple of nites. Still not a full 8 hours, I only get 4-6 hours depending on how early all 3 kids get up but I am feeling more rested. Thank u all for the advice. Now all I need is a way of keeping them out from under my feet while I do the exercising.