cant rid this last bit of lower belly fat..

well im 19 and weigh 162 and am 6'10.. I eat rougly 1800 calories a day in meals every three hours.. I have this little belly fat when i sit down that you can see and grab.. for the past two months i have only slkpet like 4 hours a day because of 2 jobs and am just now getting 8 hours a day of sleep as of yeasterday, dunno if thats stopped me.,., But i lift weights three times a week, chest and back, biceps and triceps, and then legs.. then three days a week,in the morning i jog 2 miles and ride a bike on and off for 20 miles, 10 each time at the gym, and at night i jump rope and do jumping jacks for 45 minutes.. So why do i still have this lower belly fat???
You're 162 lbs and 6'10" and concerned about belly fat? You must have a 26" waist.
No kidding. This dude is 9 inches taller than me, and only weighs about 8 pounds more than I do ...

EDIT: I just re-read the OP's post, and he said he's 6'10"? I thought at first it was 6'1". OMG. He's 16" taller than me.
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That's probably skin what you can see and grab.

Start lifting heavy, do less volume of cardio but do it more intense and eat some more so you can start building some muscle to fill that skin.

Also work on your core, not only crunches but core stabilization exercises.

ooo noo, my bad guys sorry didnt even see the misatke i made, just now got a chance to get on and read replys.. Im 5'10.. lol sorry.. so if u can read it all over and replace that height with 5'10.. Its just so stubborn i actually have to take a break behind my knee cap a muscle hurts or something from all the cardio running in the morning, then jumproping for 45 min at night, so i dont see why this fat wont go away... thanks
Check your posture; a large curve in the lower portion of the spine can often push the lower portion of your stomach out to make it look like a belly but in fact it's just being caused by poor posture
well i mean like i said its not bad, i can see my top 4 abs just not the lower 2. Iys wierd im eating alot now to gain some weight and havnt gained too much body fat, cus when i was trying to lose it i was losing more weight than fat.. But I mean it just annoying when i make abs you can see the top four and the lower have just enough to cover them and when i like flip it with my finger you can see it bounce/jiggle a little, or if i ned over to pick something up you can see it alot, i did a b fat test and im like 8.5-9 percent.. I dunno what do you guys think??
well i mean like i said its not bad, i can see my top 4 abs just not the lower 2. Iys wierd im eating alot now to gain some weight and havnt gained too much body fat, cus when i was trying to lose it i was losing more weight than fat.. But I mean it just annoying when i make abs you can see the top four and the lower have just enough to cover them and when i like flip it with my finger you can see it bounce/jiggle a little, or if i ned over to pick something up you can see it alot, i did a b fat test and im like 8.5-9 percent.. I dunno what do you guys think??

The personal soup to reduce that last little pocket of fat, can vary per person, but it still points to the diet, removing being narrow minded, and expanding your knowledge within diet circumference, and manipulating these elements to your advantage.

I want to make something clear. When it comes to the last portion that is difficult to remove (for some) it is "simply" not ONLY about manipulating the almighty and powerful calorie---ALONE.

Yes, you read that right: It is simply not about the almighty calorie ALONE.

When the body resists your efforts, you fight back with education WITHIN the total circumference of DIET, and the calorie is only ONE ELEMENT among many to use.

To get extremely lean, these three elements come to mind that can be worked (alone, and together at times) dependent on the person and obstacles faced

The all-time greatest fat burner known to man/woman:

• Calorie Manipulation
• Macro Nutrient Manipulation
• Depletion of Glucose Stores

And, how the above three are manipulated "together" simply depends on the persons starting position (how high or low body fat is, personal goals, etc, etc). And, manipulating these three elements, is simply how I personally got lean, and down to 7.8% BF.

For example: Notwithstanding a calorie deficit, the manipulation macro nutrients and manipulation of one's glucose stores can be PARAMOUNT for some wanting to dip into single digit body fat.

What manipulation will work for you? I simply do not know. What I do know is that IF you "study" the variables involved in "tweaking" the almighty and powerful Carbohydrate (and its close kin brother, the Glucose storage), and experiment with yourself, keep a keen eye on your feedback, you will locate your answer, while manipulating the calorie--accordingly.

In addition, where manipulating calories simply by defining a deficit once worked (alone) when Body Fat was high. A person may stagnate (keeping things equal) at a certain point, and "may" be required to dip into manipulating the macro nutrients and/or reducing or depleting glucose stores, in order to obtain the desired-lower- level of body fat (such as single digits).

The brothers of battle are: The Calorie and Macro Nutrients, my friend.

And, in some cases an educated approach in a "severity level" that is not "traditionally/commercially" recommended. When the body fights unfair, we fight back with unfair tactics, buddy. :)

While I advocate not changing ones weight training approach whether cutting or bulking, there is a time, I do recommend a change.

And, this period (at least in my opinion) is when the primary purpose is to deplete glucose stores through manipulating the macro nutrients with the purpose to….solicit single digit (as an example) body fat. This approach is NOT the same as simply lowering Carbohydrates to see what response you receive. There is a difference.

For example, the rep ranges can change from what one was doing normally, as well as, rest periods, etc. To IMPACT energy as much as possible. Believe me, this isn't the greatest experience in the world, LOL. ;) But, it has proven to work and has with many a person.

While it may not be the case (for everyone). Generally the lower your body fat gets (and wanting to get lower, such as single digits), the more one has to be concerned with what goes into the mouth, and the more manipulation it takes of the three I mentioned--to solicit the desired very low body fat.

The point, I want you to remember is this: Be wise in your diet, and learn how to manipulate the things you do have control over (assuming you are healthy). Always take the best and wisest route to your goal. Educate yourself. And, when the body tells you (such as when you plateau, or body fat is low), that something isn't right, you will be armed with tools to fight the winning battle.

It can be more than the mighty calorie, it is simply the totality of the diet as a whole unit.

Know how to use it.

You master manipulating the elements of diet....particularly to you, and you will feel the POWER of your goal looking back at you in the mirror.

Best wishes,

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well you got any good helpful diets, cus usually when i go on a diet tho i get too skinny, and is it impossible to get bigger and stronger while losing stomach fat. And no i havnt tried a detox but i thought they were just good for health and colon not fat but ill look ionto it thanks guys.. its hard to get the diet right lol..
Just curious if you lost much, if any, to get to the weight you are at now. If so, you may not be looking at fat, you may be looking at the extra skin that used to cover your belly. That's the boat I'm in right now, just waiting for the extra skin I don't need anymore to go away. :angry2:

If this is not the case, definitely take another look at your diet.