cant lose anymore weight no matter how hard i try help!!


New member
i recently lost around 30+ pounds from 165 to as of now 131 lbs. i have weighed 131 lbs for almost a month now and have been dieting and working out really hard in the gym and the scale wont move! when i lost the other 30 lbs i was on a very low calorie diet with almost 0 excercise. i was eating 200-600 calories per day and about maybe 12-20 grams of fat. As of the last month my diet has not changed except for about 7 days i ate about 1200 calories to try and get off of this platue.then i started going to the gym 3-5 a week and doing cardio and some lifting and dropped down to my vlcd it is baseball season so i have practice 5 times a week for 2 and a half hours per day and still go to the gym once every weekend. im still on a vlcd and nothing is changing it is really starting to bother me and stress me out. the weight is mostly around like the chest area and the "muffin top" area alot. (idk what the region is actually called) im 15 years old and male if that helps any. To sum this all up my goal was to weigh about 122 by june 5th and ive been at this diet for about 4 and a half months. ive tried everything and nothing works. im so close to my goal and i just cant do it. if anyone can set up a diet plan or just give me some general advice i would appreciate it alot. thank you
How tall are you? You are starving yourself, that's why you are not losing weight. YOu need to eat above 1200 (which i am sure is a number suitable for women.) As a boy you are not doing yourself any favours by following this sort of weight loss program you are on. Boys need lots of food around this time in their lives because they are growing fast.

When i say you are starving yourself, basically i mean it. Get those calories UP.

Work out your Resting metabolic rate by using a BMR calculator. Then whatever your maintenance weight is, only consume a couple of hundred calories less. It might take a little while for your metabolism to adjust but in time you will start to see some results.

Along with your more healthy weight loss program, get to the gym and lift some weights. Eat some protein. Read about the importance of protein, as well as carbs and a little bit of fat to getting a good bod.

Given you age, this is ULTRA IMPORTANT.

If you dont start to adopt a healthier approach to body shaping, you are going to have serious long term health problems - stunted growth is likely, osteoporosis definitely, infertility, and god knows what else. Perhaps you could do a little research into anorexia and the health risks.
You are seriously messing with your health. I'd say this (somewhere in my post) to anyone eating under 1200 calories a day (which is the requirement for the smallest, most sedentary adult woman- for a man the equivalent figure is 1800), but I'll emphasise it for anyone still growing. You are seriously messing with your health. You're still growing, and your body needs those calories to help develop your bone structure and brain (fortyfour has already mentioned some of the potential risks). You need to talk to a doctor, both to assess the damage you've already done (and in my humble layman's opinion, there'll already be some), to work out a healthy weight for you (if you're 131lb and wanting to lose weight you're either incredibly short for a 15 year old boy, or seriously kidding yourself about what you should weigh). To give you some more perspective as to how crazy 200-600 calories a day is, I pitch at 1885 calories a day, and I'm an only slightly taller than average woman who isn't as active as you (and as I'm older than you and haven't grown in over a decade, my metabolism is undoubtedly slower). I had over 600 calories just for one meal (dinner) today, and I snack.

What's more important to you- the number on the scale and whatever you think it'll bring you now; or being healthy in the next 50-85 years? Personally, my health is more important to me than anything.
FortyFour has given you some good advice there.

Your vlcd (very low calorie diet) needs to end now. You're setting yourself up for serious bodily harm. Your body can not work on just 200 to 600 calories a day! On top of that you are lifting weights, going to the gym at least once a week and playing sports 5 days a week for 2 hours a day?

Al3c, did you read your own post my dear? Did you catch anything that sounds at least a little off to you?

I know fat may seem like the enemy but the truth is fat is an important organ. That's right. Fat is an organ. You need fat to survive. Fat allows you to take in vitamins that are only able to dissolve in fat. Fat protects you from injury. Fat provides a secure environment also for your heart, kidneys and other organs. Fat stores excess calories in a safe way so you can mobilize the fat stores when you're hungry.Fat releases hormones that control metabolism.

Calories put simply is energy and you need more energy than 200 to 600 calories to live a healthy life.
its almost weird to say starving and stuff because i feel fine but i do understand how serious this is. I think i have some mental self esteem problems to take care of. anyway im 5' 10. and it would be helpful to have a plan for me to figure out. my bmi calculator says im in the right weight zone and i cant drop much lower but i still LOOK fat? technically your saying my matabolism is like dead and i need to get it back up. but if i start eating alot again will i gain alot of weight? how much calories should i eat a day now and for how long? Ive realized ill have to deal with looking fat all summer like i have the last 4 years. i think i realized it starting to get serious and came here when people started saying that i look pale. what is that a sign of? anyway can someone just give me a plan for the next month or two. i cant stop the baseball 5 times a week but i can stop the gym. advice?
its almost weird to say starving and stuff because i feel fine but i do understand how serious this is. I think i have some mental self esteem problems to take care of. anyway im 5' 10. and it would be helpful to have a plan for me to figure out. my bmi calculator says im in the right weight zone and i cant drop much lower but i still LOOK fat ? technically your saying my matabolism is like dead and i need to get it back up. but if i start eating alot again will i gain alot of weight? how much calories should i eat a day now and for how long? Ive realized ill have to deal with looking fat all summer like i have the last 4 years. i think i realized it starting to get serious and came here when people started saying that i look pale. what is that a sign of? anyway can someone just give me a plan for the next month or two. i cant stop the baseball 5 times a week but i can stop the gym. advice?

Honestly Al3c, your parents or legal guardian should send you to a doctor or nutritionist. Talk to them.
Or maybe a psychologist. I don't really remember any guys that worried that much about their weigh in high school.
Talk to your parents, tell them what you've done, get medical attention. Defintely get medical attention (be that doctor, dietician/ nutritionist, and possibly also psychologist, I agree with Monster that there might be deeper issues going on here). Yes, you might put on weight given what you've done- but you need to get yourself out of this mess.

If people are commenting you don't look well, particularly as a boy, that's a really bad sign. In my experience people tend not to comment on boys' appearances, one way or another, at least nowhere near as often as they do on girls'.

At your height, you defintely do not need to weigh that little, let alone less than that. The weight you are now is about the weight I'm aiming at, and for me that's in the lower end of a healthy BMI. You're at the very low end of a healthy BMI. Do not lose any more weight.

I obviously can't speak for anyone else here, but I suspect none of us can advise you on a "plan"- this ceases to be a weight loss issue. This is a medical issue, and I would suggest probably an urgent one.

Don't worry about this summer. I'm 25 (keeping in mind what I said earlier about growth, girls stop growing a lot quicker than boys, you will be still growing even if I stopped at 14), and my teenage years have already faded into irrelevance. I know it seems incredibly important to you now, but trust me, the rest of your life (with good health) is much more important. Go to a doctor (and if you can, additionally also dietician/ nutritionist and/ or psychologist), and get yourself better.
This is a medical issue, and I would suggest probably an urgent one.

I do agree with this but I will try to give you some of the advice you want anyway.

But first let me make some guesses as to what sort of health issues are going on here..

According to my diet book which lists the healthy body ranges for most heights, you minimum healthy body weight is 139pounds. Your top healthy body weight is 175 and because i am in my health weight range, i know that 175 will feel fat to a lot of people but, its still considered healthy. While also 139 will appear to skinny to many onlookers but it is still also considered healthy by all medical authorties. (my diet book is very reliable)

Now you are a few pounds less than this and you have headed into anorexia and it looks like you are still not happy so you are definitely in a danger zone.

I used to work in an eating disorders clinic (as a receptionist) and i've seen how terrible it can get.

I think you may also have body dysmorphic disorder which is a distorted view of body. You don't see yourself accurately and you suffer accordingly and take unhealthy measures.

Both of these conditions needs psychological treatment and I strongly urge consulting a doctor and asking for a referral to appropriate psychological care.

Please look up anorexia and body dysmorphic disorder on google to find out more about these disorders. Wikipedia is not a bad place to start.

I think i said the solution to correcting your dissatisfaction with your body is weight training not weight loss.

If people you are telling you are pale, perhaps you are anaemic. Your metabolism has definitely been slowing and this affects other functions in your body. Long term health consequences are likely if you keep this up for long. I don't know how long you've been starving yourself but the longer you do it, the more serious the consequences including very young onset of the bone disease called osteoporosis. Look that up on wikipedia also.

Anorexia is one of the most serious mental health disorders because of the seriousness of the impact it has on your bodily health.

The fact that you don't feel hungry is irrelevant here. Your brain has started to play tricks on you. This is probably also an effect of your metabolism slowing. Your body has gotten used to this starvation mode and enables you to feel ok when in fact, you are far from ok.

... I'll come back and finish this in a bit. I need breakfast first.

You may need to discuss this with your parents and if you find it difficult, print out this conversation and show it to them. You will need their support to get the medical attention you need, i suspect, because of your age.
I agree with everyone else that you are starving yourself.

Do some research online and find out if you think you may have an eating disorder. Places like this, although not terribly accurate if you wont be honest, can be useful:

I'll just reiterate what everyone else has said: Seek help!
Juice for supper?

I eat all my calories in breakfast snack lunch. My supper is a huge veggie juice. It might help.