This is a medical issue, and I would suggest probably an urgent one.
I do agree with this but I will try to give you some of the advice you want anyway.
But first let me make some guesses as to what sort of health issues are going on here..
According to my diet book which lists the healthy body ranges for most heights, you minimum healthy body weight is 139pounds. Your top healthy body weight is 175 and because i am in my health weight range, i know that 175 will feel fat to a lot of people but, its still considered healthy. While also 139 will appear to skinny to many onlookers but it is still also considered healthy by all medical authorties. (my diet book is very reliable)
Now you are a few pounds less than this and you have headed into
anorexia and it looks like you are still not happy so you are definitely in a danger zone.
I used to work in an eating disorders clinic (as a receptionist) and i've seen how terrible it can get.
I think you may also have body dysmorphic disorder which is a distorted view of body. You don't see yourself accurately and you suffer accordingly and take unhealthy measures.
Both of these conditions needs psychological treatment and I strongly urge consulting a doctor and asking for a referral to appropriate psychological care.
Please look up anorexia and
body dysmorphic disorder on google to find out more about these disorders. Wikipedia is not a bad place to start.
I think i said the solution to correcting your dissatisfaction with your body is weight training not weight loss.
If people you are telling you are pale, perhaps you are
anaemic. Your metabolism has definitely been slowing and this affects other functions in your body. Long term health consequences are likely if you keep this up for long. I don't know how long you've been starving yourself but the longer you do it, the more serious the consequences including very young onset of the bone disease called
osteoporosis. Look that up on wikipedia also.
Anorexia is one of the most serious mental health disorders because of the seriousness of the impact it has on your bodily health.
The fact that you don't feel hungry is irrelevant here. Your brain has started to play tricks on you. This is probably also an effect of your metabolism slowing. Your body has gotten used to this starvation mode and enables you to feel ok when in fact, you are far from ok.
... I'll come back and finish this in a bit. I need breakfast first.
You may need to discuss this with your parents and if you find it difficult, print out this conversation and show it to them. You will need their support to get the medical attention you need, i suspect, because of your age.