Cant loose weight :(


New member
Hi everybody!
So lately i´ve been struggling with loosing weight(for like 1-2months). So I decided on my 16th birthday(im a boy btw)that I would go on a diet with healthy eating and workouts. I started out with being 105kg and 181cm in height by the age of 16. My goal was around to become 85 or less kgs with as much stomach fat gone as possible. So on the 9th of May my journey began. I worked out every single day, sometimes even twice with only cardio and burned about 3000-4000 cals a day according to the cycling vehicle, without counting the calories burned naturally, so called the metabolism. I also ate very healthy with cutting carbs, unhealthy fats and also reached all the RDI everyday. I also used whey-protein shakes because I didn't want to loose all my muscles and wanted recover quickly because of my intense diet. So I only worked out with my bicycle for 2months until july where I was going on a 1month vacation. So since I wanted to continue my journey I downloaded multiple 30day challenges all from squats to abs to arms and everything and did those everyyyday, but my diet changed slightly. I couldn't use protein powder and shakes so I lacked much in protein intake, but all the others were complete. So the summer ended. I had lost about 11kg and 12cm in my waist in about 3-4months and I felt great but my body had started to act strange. My body and especially hands started to shake and I couldn't control it so I relieved the intensity of my training program and started to eat a bit more food but not unhealthy and junk. This eventually decreased the shaking and all but now my body didn't loose weight. So months passed and I worked-out about 3-4 days with healthy eating except cheat days on Fridays and sometimes Saturdays but I would always work out on these days with high intensity. My training schedule consists of first strength training with body weight for 30-50mins and then a less intense cardio workout at least 20mins on the bike. Now we´re in December and I've only managed to loose 2kgs and 3cm i waist in over 3months but still continuing my usual program. I also started to drink protein shakes after every work-out and I´ve been drinking some sodas like Coke Zero and Pepsi Max. I feel like I should loose much more with the effort i´m making. Why do you think my body is not responding to my hard-work, like I feel great and healthy and everything but the scale don´t respond even though how much I try? I wanna loose weight, especially in the waist and stomach area. I wanna be at least 85kgs. I have now ordered a pill that will increase my metabolism that contains green coffee bean extract. I also have ordered a treadmill now since my butt really hurts sitting the whole day at school and the come home and sit on the bike, feel my pain xD. What should I do? I wanna achieve my goal in less than 2-3months. PLEASE HELP ME PEOPLE, because im starting to get extremly sad and disapointed of myself... feel free to ask questions<3
Humm.. I been through your problem.. your thread.. First of all I would like tell you that losing weight is lengthy and time taking process if and only you go with natural way. You don't believe that I have been trying to lose my weight since one and half years and now I lost 4.6 KG.
Anyways.. I think you have to try Yoga and Swimming and try to consume only natural (PURE) foods and drinks. Not like sodas and all.
Well there are many ways to lose weight but I am trying these and am also doing cycling, swimming every alternate day after fast walking of 8 miles every day.

So try these all Good Luck..
Hey everyone.

It's all in the diet when it come to weight loss.

Well, that was in my case.

I lost 45 pounds in 3 months on the Paleo diet.

I run a blog sharing my experiences.

Ask me Anything, been there done it!

try 6 second sprints with 12 seconds of rest in between because low to moderate intensity cardio over an extended period of time lowers testosterone which leads to a slower matabolism and for training days always have a day or 2 of rest between workouts unless you already incorporate that and to lose weight you have to be in a calorie deficeit also try to avoid sugars and avoid white breads and white flours as they spike insulin levels which leads to storing of glycogen (sugar) and you cant burn 2000 to 3000 calories on a cycling exercise as that is a complete lie but try this to figure out your calories and try to eat clean and lean with .90 to 1 gram of protein per lbs of body weight 30% fat and 40% carbs in your diet as carbs are not bad for you and they should be your main workout feul source

heres the calorie method

w= weight in kilograms
a= age
h= height in centimeters (height in inches times 2.54)


then multiply total for 1.25 or 1.55 depending on how intense you workout
then minus 250 for losing weight keep those calories for a week then lower by 250 and excetera until you have abs try not to go lower than 1000

any other questions just ask
and please try not to do any of those magazine or fad diets just try to stick to lean meats poultry and healthy fats like peanut butter also lean fish, nuts in general are healthy fats.
try 6 second sprints with 12 seconds of rest in between because low to moderate intensity cardio over an extended period of time lowers testosterone which leads to a slower matabolism and for training days always have a day or 2 of rest between workouts unless you already incorporate that and to lose weight you have to be in a calorie deficeit also try to avoid sugars and avoid white breads and white flours as they spike insulin levels which leads to storing of glycogen (sugar) and you cant burn 2000 to 3000 calories on a cycling exercise as that is a complete lie but try this to figure out your calories and try to eat clean and lean with .90 to 1 gram of protein per lbs of body weight 30% fat and 40% carbs in your diet as carbs are not bad for you and they should be your main workout feul source

heres the calorie method

w= weight in kilograms
a= age
h= height in centimeters (height in inches times 2.54)


then multiply total for 1.25 or 1.55 depending on how intense you workout
then minus 250 for losing weight keep those calories for a week then lower by 250 and excetera until you have abs try not to go lower than 1000

any other questions just ask

Interesting method..

There are plenty of healthy protein choices from which to choose for weight loss. Good sources of protein for weight loss include soy foods such as tofu, soy nuts, soy milk, nuts, seeds, lentils and beans. Most fish and seafood are lean even though they do contain fat.

Choosing conventionally raised meat is still a million times better than the standard western diet. If you are a vegetarian you can get lean protein from beans, whole grains, vegetables, and seeds and nuts.