Sport Can't kick bad eating habit.

Sport Fitness
I have developed a couple of horrible habits over the years. Recently I have decided to pursue new fitness goals, primarily concerning muscle growth. However, I have been unable to consume enough calories for my maintenance level, making eating over my BMR to be extremely difficult. I eat about 5 meals a day, a habit I picked up about a year ago, but I guess each meal is too small. What can I do too add good cals to my meals (a.k.a. side dishes, etc... that won't sabotage my bf% too much). Also, I consume relatively little meat product due to religious purposes(other than fish which I have allowed myself to consume for needed protein).

21 yr old
Male, 6ft 149 lbs
BMR - 2832
Avg. intake - 1600 (+/- 200)
Exercise - 3-4 times/week bodyweight workout, HIIT biking 2-4 times/week

Here is an example day of my new cal-heavy diet (during which I am always extremely full):

7am (pre-HIIT): 2 cups black coffee

10am: 1-2 whole Mango raw + 1 medium apple

12pm: 32oz Fresh Orange Juice with pulp + 12oz raw spinach salad with tuna (no dress)

3pm (pre-workout): 9pc sushi(fish+veg no sauces) + 32oz green tea

6pm: 4oz grilled salmon fillet + 1 thin slice whole grain wheat bread + 2cup brown rice

Total cal=1800, 7%fat 75%carb 14%

p.s. Should I just sacrifice my cardio routine for a month or two for extra weight gain?
Nuts and nut butters are calorie dense. They are mostly fat, but the good kind of fat.
You're going 21 hours without eating any protein. That's a big no-no. The only protein you're eating is between 3-6pm.

Breakfast is your most important meal. And protein should be a huge part of it (and you should be eating protein with every meal) or your body will be cannibalizing itself and using up your muscle tissue instead of the protein you ingest.

Just to give you a comparison, I'm female, 5'4", weigh about 150-155 pounds and suck back anywhere between 2500-4500 calories a day, depending on my workouts. Most of my diet is proteins and healthy fats. Right now I'm at a lower caloric intake, although I have stepped up the carbs a bit because I've been doing more cardio lately as a result of having a bicep injury :(
First make sure you are eating after your workouts including cardio. You need at least 50 grams of fast carbs and about 40 grams of fast protein imediately after.

Add 2 protein shakes per day. (add one then add another after a week or so) Mix protein powder with milk, yogurt, eggs, fruit, juice, fiber supplements, peanut butter, flax oil etc. After a workout it should only be mixed with water and taken with your fast carbs, but any other time during the day you can add any or all of these to help add protein, carbs, calories, fats and vitamins.

You could also add 2 or 3 glasses of milk per day, put your tuna on bread, eat a handfull of unsalted trail mix with a meal or 2, eat some cottage cheese with tomatoes or fruit, hard boiled eggs etc.

If you force yourself to eat a little more you will eventually get used to it.