Cant get round to trying to lose weight


New member
Hi I know this may sound stupid to everyone and you may say I dont want it enough but I do, I really do
I'm 18 in less than two months and I've been overweight since about the age of 11 and It wasn't so much of an issue back then but once you're around my age you want to look as appealing as you can to the opposite sex and also for yourself etc, I'm deeply into my fashion and own a lot of clothes but I'm feeling as if I cant pull off the look I want to anymore I weigh at about 15.8 stone which may be around 99Kg I'm not sure about lb I'm still confident in my self and can easily talk to women but I'm getting stretch marks and I can see my attractiveness degrading fast, the fact that I can still function and talk to women atm may be the reason why I cant find the motivation to lose weight since I'm still not at the lowest point of my life but I know if I carry on Its going to be impossible to lose weight and I dont want to let it get that far I really want to but I cant find the motivation to not eat that box of chips or those chocolate bars or fizzy drinks

This may sound a bit shallow and I apologize but really I'm just a young guy looking for some support

Thanks kindly - Sam