Sport Can't figure out my 11am meal!

Sport Fitness
OK I've sorted out 5 of my 6 meals now but I can't for the life of me decide what I could/should be having for my 2nd breakfast.

The handiest thing would be just to have some fruit but I realise I need some protein, but the idea of downing a tin of tuna at 11:00am doesn't fill me with joy. And lazy as I am I just can't be arsed to prepare anything to take to work with me.

Could try a protein shake but I'd rather eat natural if I can... doesn't seem like I have much choice.

And SOD protein bars - they're well expensive!
How about a whey shake with some flax oil? You can take advantage of consuming an EFA and also get a good amount of protein in at this time.
cusimar9 said:
OK I've sorted out 5 of my 6 meals now but I can't for the life of me decide what I could/should be having for my 2nd breakfast.

The handiest thing would be just to have some fruit but I realise I need some protein, but the idea of downing a tin of tuna at 11:00am doesn't fill me with joy. And lazy as I am I just can't be arsed to prepare anything to take to work with me.

Could try a protein shake but I'd rather eat natural if I can... doesn't seem like I have much choice.

And SOD protein bars - they're well expensive!

Protein bars, for the most part, are pretty crappy sources of protein anyway. There are other sources of protein out there as well.....check out this little list I have

Protein whey is a great source to supplement protein. Perhaps egg whites, cottage cheese or a few cups of milk will be up your ally.

~LV~ said:
How about a whey shake with some flax oil? You can take advantage of consuming an EFA and also get a good amount of protein in at this time.

What's an EFA? Can you mix these protein shakes up well with just a spoon or do you need a mixer, because I can't have a mixer at work...
whey for snacks is not need solid sources except for post workout...cold bbq chicken, cold cuts or something might help you (lean sources of course)
swans05 said:
whey for snacks is not need solid sources except for post workout...cold bbq chicken, cold cuts or something might help you (lean sources of course)
Whey for a snack is 100% fine if a whole food source is not available. As long as you utilize an EFA such as flax oil to slow the digestion of the whey, it's perfectly fine.
Here is everything you need to know about EFA's.

The fat will slow the digestion of the whey and keep it in the body longer for the repair/rebuild of muscle process.
Yes, consumption of fat with liquid protein slows digestion, and adds to the feeling of fullness.

Due to some evidence that flaxseed oil may increase risk of prostate cancer, I only recommend fish oil caps for EFA supplementation right now. Fish oil doesn't contain any alpha linoleic acid, which is the suspected cancer risk.

Personally, I prefer a whey blend...something with some egg albumen, or ideally casien, as that also helps slow digestion, and casien has been found to be a little better for recovery...but whey has its benefits too. So the easiest thing is to just get a blend of proteins in your shake.
cusimar9 said:
Can you mix these protein shakes up well with just a spoon or do you need a mixer, because I can't have a mixer at work...

Products mix differently. I've used an old peanut butter jar to shake the mix. A large glass and long spoon works well. A mixier might be nice if you;re adding a bunch of stuff to the mix.