Can't do it alone

Mark Mikel

New member
I need support I have finally decided. I've been trying to drop weight for years -- at least 20 -- and have yo-yo'd and been unsuccessful in keeping it off.

I'm 57, a former collegiate athlete, knee injuries and surgeries have impacted my activity, and an aging metabolism and poor eating habits have balooned me to 252 lbs. I'm not looking to be the rail thin runner I was in college, but I want to feel better, be healthier, and yes, as vain as it may sound, look better.

I'm tired of my wife's subtle but cutting comments while she bakes cupcakes or buys ice cream. I need better discipline espcially during the evening. Asking her to be my accountability and support has not gotten it done. So here I am.

Goal? To get back under 200 in a safe, healthy, and sensible manner. Any advice, support, and encouragement is welcome.
welcome to the forum mike :)
Hi, Mark & welcome to the forum. Is there a possibility that your wife would stop making cupcakes? Is she rake thin & can eat anything? Have you asked her to be more supportive? If that can't happen then you will have to be very strong & determined. What is a normal day's eating for you? You may get more support if you start a diary. I, for one, don't often come into this part of the forum. The link is
You can do this. Be strong! Cheers, Cate.
Thanks for the welcome Tru & Cate.
Cate -- my wife is a rail thin person who can pretty much eat what she wants and doesn't gain much if at all. My normal day's eating varies, and I think that's my biggest problem, nutrition wise. I'll have some pretty healthy, clean eating days -- nothing processed, lean proteins, lots of veggies and fruit, good fats. But then either I get stressed about work or life or upset at my wife, and I get into a streak of bad eating days. I'll still include the healthy stuff, but I will cheat with some junk food or pastries, etc. I'll check out the diary/journal link and give it a go. Thanks again.