Sport Cannot drink whey protein shakes, Need a natural alternative for the post-workout mea

Sport Fitness
Due to some liver problems, I'm not allowed to take Whey protein shakes. They were very suitable for me especially for the post-workout meal.
I used to mix whey protein powder with fruit juice in order to get the neccesery protein from the whey powder and get the insulin spike from the fruit juice.

I need to think of a meal or maybe a natural protein shake.

Looking for suggestions for a post-workout meal as long as it is natural.
Any kind of help is appreciated.
Isn't any protein good? You could eat chicken, an omelette or cottage cheese for example. If you don't feel like shoving down a meal, you might want to try mixing cottage cheese with low fat fruit yoghurt. Looks gross, tastes really good. In my country, Whey protein shakes aren't even available. (well, they probably are, but hard to get.) just 2 cents from a newbie.
If whey powder hurts your kidneys, that means protein hurt your kidneys.. so won't all protien hurt your kidneys?..
whey is just whey protein after all, in very concentrated form. I don't see the difference between getting 30g protein from a shake than from chicken, milk, cheese, etc, other than that you will get alot of other stuff from the regular food aswell as protein.

I'd ask your doctor if whey protein is dangeoraus or if getting more protein than you need is dangeoraus. However, don't read this post and then think you should start taking whey shakes again. If your doctor says no, then don't do it, there could be a million reasons I don't know about. But I would ask him..

as for good protein, raven made some good suggestions. Chicken and brown rice pwns as a post workout meal ;)
If whey powder hurts your kidneys, that means protein hurt your kidneys.. so won't all protien hurt your kidneys?..
whey is just whey protein after all, in very concentrated form. I don't see the difference between getting 30g protein from a shake than from chicken, milk, cheese, etc, other than that you will get alot of other stuff from the regular food aswell as protein.

*smacks own head* I hadn't even thought of that. I simply assumed it was just the Whey powder that did the damage. Well, I don't think I'll be getting a medical degree any soon *laugh*
If whey powder hurts your kidneys, that means protein hurt your kidneys.. so won't all protien hurt your kidneys?..
whey is just whey protein after all, in very concentrated form. I don't see the difference between getting 30g protein from a shake than from chicken, milk, cheese, etc, other than that you will get alot of other stuff from the regular food aswell as protein.

I'd ask your doctor if whey protein is dangeoraus or if getting more protein than you need is dangeoraus. However, don't read this post and then think you should start taking whey shakes again. If your doctor says no, then don't do it, there could be a million reasons I don't know about. But I would ask him..

as for good protein, raven made some good suggestions. Chicken and brown rice pwns as a post workout meal ;)

The same things that you asked me already popped in my head and I've already asked those questions.

Okay, well... the doctor is really exaggerating. He supports everything that is natural, and even prohibited me to take Centrum multivitamins, according to him even they were very bad for my health.Although I disagreed, I didn't wanna argue with a doctor 30 years older than me, so I said okay.

However I asked for a justification why whey protein is bad, the doctor told me that it's artificial and it's meant to be a fast absorbing protein, therefore because it's absorbed fast it puts load on the liver. The reason why I like whey protein is exactly because it's absorbed fast, and it's suitable especially post-workout when muscles need protein fast!

I thought the same thing that you asked me Karky, so I asked the doctor "I'm taking 200g of protein per day, 160 g is natural 40g is from whey protein, isn't the natural protein that I take from meat,eggs, fish etc. also bad for me". He said that the natural protein isn't bad for me, because it's digested the natural way, and the body takes the time it needs (a few hours) in order to process the food, unlike whey which needs to processed very quickly and puts loads on the liver.

I'm sure that 40g of whey protein per day isn't unhealthy at all... however I gotta listen to the doctor, he said this is just temporary, and he'll run another test (urine and blood test) on the liver in a few weeks in which I haven't been taking any whey protein or multivitamins to see if there's a change, and tell me if I can take whey protein.

I was really suprised to find out that doctors were telling me to stay out of whey protein like it's plague even if you have no health problems. I think they're too conservative
Oh it was liver. For some reason my mind changed that to kidneys :p And I think there are fast absorbing natrual protein out there to.. I mean, the whey protein has to come from somewhere. I don't think it's artificially made, I just think it's isolated, meaning that they just took all the protein out of a product.
read about whey here: Whey - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Whey is a natrual product, however in the protein powder they have isolated the protein in the whey, so you just get the protein and not all of the other stuff.

But anyways, it won't hurt you much to just take some regular food protein after your workout, you'll be just fine.
However I asked for a justification why whey protein is bad, the doctor told me that it's artificial and it's meant to be a fast absorbing protein, therefore because it's absorbed fast it puts load on the liver. The reason why I like whey protein is exactly because it's absorbed fast, and it's suitable especially post-workout when muscles need protein fast!

Why not just have some ( chocolate ) milk, or yogurt, or chess and crackers, or bagel and peanut butter etc. etc. right after your workout just to get a few carbs and a bit of protein in your into your system ? And then, when you get home from the gym ( 30 +/- minute later ?? ) simply prepare a meal with the appropriate amounts of carbs and protein.

Beyond that, it seems to me the idea should be to try and consume protein throughout the day ( including a good pre-workout snack / meal ) so you've got a boatload of amino acids available to you all day long to meet the needs of muscle repair after workouts - i.e where protein synthesis may be elevated for as much as 48 hours after a workout.

So long as you have a well balanced meal within 1 hour after your workout , you should be fine ( protein wise ) IMO.
Get a second opinion.

particularly, a second opinion from a dietician. medical doctors are not studying foods, they study the body. dieticians study foods/nutrients and their effects on the body, and understand special dietary needs.

I find it odd that the liver is why you can't take in too much protein. usually its kidney problems, since they are the organs that filter out waste, like excess protein.

then again, my degree is in English, not biology, medicine or nutrition ;)

Regardless, your post implies you don't really understand your medical condition, and in my opinion that means your Dr. has failed you by providing poor service. Get more info. You don't need to earn a degree, but it seems kinda odd to not want to know a fair amount about a potentially serious medical condition you have.
Maybe the doctor thought you meant a whey protein mix? Or maybe that is what you mean? Because that stuff has flavorings and sweeteners (whether natural or artificial), and I can see why someone advocating a purely natural diet would object.

The pure whey protein powder, if you're getting top quality isolate or high level concentrate, is about as natural as you can get within the dairy family. That's what I use, and it's 80-90% protein. I can't understand how this would harm your liver, especially if other proteins are acceptable. I agree with the comments above that you should get your nutritional information from someone other than this doctor.

As an aside, I'm always looking for recipes to incorporate whey protein powder into, and I get frustrated at how many people do mean the flavored sweetened stuff when they use this term without adding the terms "flavored" or "mix" to let you know which product they mean.
Can't eat whey protein? Me too!

I am allergic to whey protein too!
It is not because of the whey though, it is because many products (including some breads, yogurts, soymilks, and cereals) now contain CALCIUM CARBONATE which is has an awful reaction for me. I also gummy vitamins instead of hard vitamins or pills. Many doctors know that this is an allergen, but they don't meet many people with it. The issue is, they want you to "test it" by ingesting it, instead of doing a simple allergy test.
So, just letting you know, I understand because I would like a natural protein shake too, and if others haven't heard of it before that is not a clear indication of non-existence.
Ummm food? Those protein shakes are 80% marketing scams where they charge consumers ridiculous amounts of $ to further continue their research. You want to get big? Eat whole foods with no sauces/dressings and split up 3 large meals into 8 smaller daily portions in combination with your workouts. It starts in the kitchen and ends in the kitchen.

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Ummm food? Those protein shakes are 80% marketing scams where they charge consumers ridiculous amounts of $ to further continue their research. You want to get big? Eat whole foods with no sauces/dressings and split up 3 large meals into 8 smaller daily portions in combination with your workouts. It starts in the kitchen and ends in the kitchen.

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Well, yes, whole foods are still a great choice, but protein supplements certainly aren't all scams.
Are you on fb? I know of a great protein drink you can check out.