Sport Canned Veggies and Milk Questions.

Sport Fitness
First Question: Are canned veggies (Peas, Corn, Green Beans) good? I've tried buying bagged frozen veggies, but they normally dont get eaten very often because I don't always have time. I have noticed that I eat them more frequently if I can just open up a can and eat them. I will drain them and maybe wash em to try to get rid of the excess salt that comes in alot of the packing liquid.

Second Question: Is to much milk bad? I am trying to increase my protein intake and milk seems to be an easy (and cheap) way to do that. I only drink about 10oz right now, with my 2 scoops of whey protein, but I want to increase that to about 30oz. Is this ok? I am on a 2000cal diet, and I track everything I eat, so I'm not just going to drink more without eating something less.

Third Question: Also is cheese (Deli Cheddar or American) good to eat in moderation? I normally end up with only about 10% fat intake daily, which is rather weird because most have a problem keeping fat down. Is 10% fat intake to low? I have to watch my fats since I have gallstones, which means to much fat and i'll be in pain for awhile, but I don't want to cut down to much where it hurts my chances of losing weight.

1. fresh is best, frozen is next, canned comes in third. canned have more processing, and the more processing, the lower the nutrient quality

2. skim milk is ok, but remember milk contains plenty of carbs too. milk in your whey shakes is a good way to bulk.

3. cheese is full of fat, and not exactly the good kind. plus it is often heavily processed (think Kraft singles, or velveeta). cheese in moderation, as a treat.

How closely are you watching your dietary intake of fat? 10% is low, even for someone eating clean. I just wonder if you aren't over-looking something. 10% is way too low. It's going to affect your skin and hair (dry/brittle), joints (lubrication), you could develop vitamin A,D,E, or K deficiency (the fat soluble vitamins), and it'll actually stunt testosterone production.

Most people on really clean diets can dip to 15% of daily calories. Its for that reason that we take EFA supplements like fish oil caps and flaxseed oil, as well as eating natural peanut butter, and other nuts (but not cashews!) You should get about 25% of daily calories from fat.

Remember, 9calories per gram of fat, 4 cals per gram of protein or carbs.
I mostly eat pasta/rice, potatoes, veggies (corn,peas, greanbeans, potatoes), drink milk, whey protein, 1 piece of meat a day, cheerios and fruit make up my diet. I count everything that goes in through

Normally eat 2000 calories, 55-60% from carbs, 30-35% from protein and 10% from fat.

Im trying to increase both fat and protein and decreasing carbs, but not at the expense of losing weight.

Just to give you an idea:

Morning: Rice and Beans

Snack: 1 Cup cheerios

Lunch: Rest of Rice and Beans

Snack: Banana

Dinner: Chicken Breast Sandwich and Apple

Post Workout: 10oz FatFree Milk + 2 scoops of ON Whey Protein.
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Couldn't you swap around the Cheerios and the Rice and Beans in the morning? Rice and beans that early just scares me....Then again, my wife looks at me like I have 2 heads when I am chowing down on a tuna and tomato sandwich at 7:30 AM :D (but it's on that's breakfast..right?)
Id love to switch em around, but its hard to get away from work to eat something that needs warming up. Thats why I eat Fruit at 10 and Cheerios at 3 to get me through till Dinner. I've considered buying almonds and having some Cheerios and Almonds for a snack to boost my fat intake.
To answer your primary questions:

1. Canned food is not the type of stuff that you want to put in your body... it is not only a 'dead food' that provides you with 0 nutrition but it is a non-food that contains toxins such as PBA and xeon-estrogens (estrogen mimickers). A 'non-food' is a food that actually takes more nutrition from your body to assimilate and detoxify than the food provide to the body.

So if you want to make yourself weaker... eat canned foods. To become stronger eat like a MAN. Before you eat anything first ask yourself "was this here 1,000 years ago"... if the answer is no... dont eat it- its not food and will ultimately make you sick and weak.

Man is intended to eat food! And food rots... so if it lasts more than 4 days rest assure that it is not a food it is a non-food.

Learn how to cook and make some REAL food... there is NO OTHER WAY.
(Real Food, Real Fast - great book)

2. Milk is a highly processed food... you may think you are drinking milk but you are ingesting a concoction of 'recumbinant bovine growth hormone' (rBgh), dead bacteria, antibiotics and utter puss.

If you MUST drink milk, drink raw-organic milk only. This is a great food for bodybuilding... its loaded with great saturated fats and tons of cholesterol for testosterone production and cell regeneration. email me to find out where you can buy raw milk -

If you need more fat in your diet try eggs with the yolks and ditch the genetically modified processed wheat in the Cherrio's (that stuff will make you a real softy). Isnt Cherrios for kids anyway?

Other Tips:
1. Take Cod Liver Oil (increases testosterone)
2. Eat Organic Meat and Veggies and more Meat (the fatty parts are the best... primal man fed the lean meat to the dogs!)
3. Drink 1/2 your bodyweight is oz of H2O daily
4. Get to sleep no later than 10:30pm
5. Eat Food, Be A Man!
Looking at your diet, I don't see how you're possibly getting enough protein. Eat more protein.