Canadian Military Physical test

Hi, I was looking into applying into the Canadian Military Forces. One of the requirement is to run 2.4KM in 11mins:56secs. I have been training on a treadmill, and can achieve it at 11mins:20secs. But when I test myself outside, it's all a different story. Sure, there is the wind/bump/estimated distance factors. But is there a specific training regimen that can help me overcome my obstacles and achieve what I want? One more thing, I think my left ankle is probably the part of my leg that actually feels sore or is the weakest part in this exercise, any suggestion to make it endure better?
Well whats happening to you is very similar to what every runner feels.
everyone run great on a treadmill but when they run outside its harder because of the wind, the inclines and a lot other things, even because when you run outside you dont have shocks to observe your steps.
my suggestion to you is to run more then the distance you want to achive and then run that distance, it will be a lot more easier and a lot more affective.
read my posts here , where you can see programs that will take you up to 5k, in 9 or 6 weeks, i suggest you go for the 9 weeks program, it is longer but a lot more affective.
9 weeks program

6 weeks program

iI think that after you will run 3 or 4 kilometers you will be able to run 2.4 kilometers in 8.5-9 minuts, that much of improvement.
one more thing, your problem can be because of the wrong shoes, wrong movement (run heel to toe), or you just twisted you ankle or any other thing but its normal.

the most important thing is follow the programs, dont jump steps, and run 3- 4 times a week until you develop good stamina.
thanks for the advice, I'll take a through look later today. I just changed the size of my running shoes, since it was too big. I'm running toe to heel, is that a wrong way of running??
it depend, not always but if you run tow to heel the chance of knee problems is bigger then if you run heel to toe.
but run the way that YOU feel that its correct.
the most important thing is to have fun, enjoy running and then you will stick to it.
And don't forget to run in high quality (army) boots, long pants and a cotton T shirt!
A lot of folks train in sneakers and shorts then go to military P tests to find out the amazing difference a pair of boots can do to their results and feet :)
If you start getting used to boots in the military your feet will soon be a chunk of bloody mess.
Sorry I forgot :(
To pass most military P test you want to run 30 miles a week (6 miles a day, five times a week in boots and long pants), try to make 6 miles under 48 minutes without stopping, no pacing yourself.
Of course you need to train outside weather permitting.
Actually, for the canadian forces pt u dont even need to do that 2.4k run. The 11.56 is just a way of measuring yourself and whether ur in good enough shape to pass the actual fitness portion of the test which is a step test. Yes just like the ones you see the ladies use in aerobics class....thats it. its about 15 mins and they measure ur resting heartrate b4, and the active one after, to judge if your in shape. Altho the actual steptest is easy, passing it doesnt depend on doing it, it depends on if ur active heartrate is low enough in comparison to your resting one, so no fooling them if u rnt actually in cardio shape.

In my opinion, dont even think about the 11.56, just do a solid 5-10k run at a reasonable pace, and if u can do that without needing to stop and without ur heart feeling like its gonna blow outta your chest, u'll do fine on the military pt.

True military boot will make the running harder once u start basic training, but harder in an uncomfortable sense, not more difficult, no need to torture urself now.
