Can you premix protein shakes? Or are they less effective?

I want to take a protein shake to drink at work. I want to add banana into it, and skim milk. But we dont have a blender at work. Would it be ok if I pre-made the shake in the morning, and put in the fridge at work, then drunk at 4:00pm?

Or even if I made the shake the night before?

Or are they less effective. Im a rookie, but is the protein/carbs somehow lost when you store the drink, instead of mixing/drinking immediately?

As long as it stays covered and cold, it's fine.
Incitatus said:
why would it become less effective?

A scenario I've concocted has the protein molecules breaking down over time when dissolved in the solution and as it reacts to the chemicals within the the bananas and milk.

I've wondered this question myself, and I'm glad you made this thread.

If I had the time to make the shakes I would, but I usually just blend up a few cups in the morning and stash them around where I can get to them when I need them.
if we're talking a reasonable amount of time, it should be fine. i found some brands would get a "muddy" texture to them if left too long. i do some now and let them sit roughly 3 hours and they're ok :)
if your concern is the protein supplement just make the bulk of the shake,add the powder at work, and use a shaker to mix the poweder in. That way you still get your milk and fruit smoothied up before work and add the powder when you are ready to drink.