Can you help?


New member
I'm just going to cut and paste what I put in my introduction post, I might get more help here.

Hey folks, I'm Cody, and this is my first time here. I currently weight around 180, down from 195 a year ago. My goal coming here is to gather weight loss tips and good advice and bring my weight down into the mid 150's. I used to be the skinniest kid out of all my friends when I was younger, now I'm the only fat one.

This is the first year I've actually bit the bullet and tried extensively to lose weight, and its been such a ruff year so far. I went from drinking only soda, and about 6 cans of it a day my whole life to quiting cold turkey in January and haven't had one since. I also totally re-did my diet, I've always loved food so much, and ate it for pleasure, I went from eating roughly 2000-2500 calories a day not including soda, too now eating roughly 1000-1500 calories and not drinking any soft drinks or juices on top.

My diet is real simple, thought I'm not exactly sure how healthy it is for me. For breakfast I eat a 250 calorie can of soup, then for lunch another can of 250 calorie soup, I try to buy as many kinds as I can to get variety, then for dinner I eat a home cooked meal, what ever we make that night, usually around 600-700 calories. Then for exorcise, no matter what I take my dog for a 25 minute walk or a 45 minute walk every night of the week. I also bought a treadmill and was doing 20 minute sessions twice a day for about a month, then switched that out temporarily for 4-5 hours of hard yard work everyday since we have such a huge yard to work in.

I truly must admit I am very unpleased with the results, I was never looking for overnight results, but I expected the fat to melt off in just a matter of a few months with all work I put out, I ditched my love for soda, my love for food, and hours of my days to lose weight, and after almost 5 months, all I've lost is 10 pounds, developed circles under my eyes, and have had the most unhealthy year of my life. I try to keep a good outlook, or I would have quit months ago, but I think you all know how discouraging it is to loose weight, luckily I don't have nearly as much as some here do to lose.

I am looking forward to meeting some kind people here, learning things I don't know anything about, and hope to find someone in the same boat as me to travel the road of fat loss with.

Those canned soups tend to be very high in sodium and arn't as good for you as you might think. If you really want soup why not make your own batch? Then at least you can see exactly what goes in it. But I would suggest having more solid food.

Your calorie intake sounds too low.. I don't think you can possibly be getting everything your body needs esp with two cans of soup a day being a good portion of your calorie intake

What is your height?
Hello Cody,

Well it seems like you and I are in the same boat I too am 180 at 5 feet 4 inches and I am a size 14. I am here for you if you need someone to talk too and lean on for motivation. There are many wonderful people here on the forum who are more than willing to help you out. It's going to be a long and uphill battle to lose that weight but you can do it! Hugs to you, :)

What is your age, height, weight?

As far as the soup, will the sodium keep me from losing weight? And I hear a lot of people talking about multivitamins, if I took a One-A-Day everyday would that make up for everything I am not getting? I was actually planing on making a huge batch of soup last week, but didn't get around to it. I would still assume that the soups more healthy then what I was eating before, hah.

19 year-old male, 5' 7", and 180 pounds. Thanks guys. :)
Hi Cody,

I know from experiance its easy to say but hard to take in, but non-the-less, try not to beat yourself up over not reaching your goal. I often do that myself and it just de-motivates me and i find i give up and eat more....

I don;t think the soup diet is all that should try to eat a variety of foods. I try to stick to the Canadian Food Guide which recommends 2 dairy and 6 grain, 6 veggie/fruit 2 meat....Here is the link:
I find it also helps to count calories and keep track of your meals so you can look back over the week and see where you were lacking , like if you maybe favored white bread over whole wheat or pasta over rice or you can see if you are getting a good variety of fruits and veggies so if you find you hand mainly carrots and corn the next week you could aim for broccoli and peppers.

If you really enjoy pop maybe don;t cut it out completly maybe have 1/2 a glass once a week... There were lots of foods/drinks i enjoy ,,, but when you start to keep track of your meals and count the calories you start to realise that instead of the pop you could have something more satisfying...

i wish you all the best! YOU CAN DO THIS !!!!! we are always here when you need support.
I know from experiance its easy to say but hard to take in, but non-the-less, try not to beat yourself up over not reaching your goal. I often do that myself and it just de-motivates me and i find i give up and eat more....

First of all, thanks for giving your thoughts. But I didn't find it hard to take in at all this time around, I just quit everything cold turkey and started a new diet, my problem is that its simply not working. I haven't cut any major corners and I never spoil myself to free nights. I do understand your advice on not beating my self up, but luckily I haven't binged or anything when I get discouraged, it just stresses me out.

I don;t think the soup diet is all that should try to eat a variety of foods. I try to stick to the Canadian Food Guide which recommends 2 dairy and 6 grain, 6 veggie/fruit 2 meat....Here is the link:

I know the soup isn't the best out there for you, but its cheap, tasty, easy to make, easy to make a habit of, very low on calories, and its got veggies and meat. I also eat lots of fruit when I have it around, its just hard when your not the one always shopping to stock up on it every week, some weeks I have 2 apples a day, some weeks I have none, although today I went and got pears and plenty of apples. The prices for fruit sure are high!

I find it also helps to count calories and keep track of your meals so you can look back over the week and see where you were lacking , like if you maybe favored white bread over whole wheat or pasta over rice or you can see if you are getting a good variety of fruits and veggies so if you find you hand mainly carrots and corn the next week you could aim for broccoli and peppers.

Yeah, when ever I cook homemade meals I track the calories of everything I put in it, then add it up. Its amazing when you see things like a single slice of cheese being 80 calories (I used to put 2 slices on my burgers before I started dieting). I don't eat much bread at all, hardly ever, but when I do its whole grain. Veggies I could knock up a bit, but isn't the bottom line of losing weight, eating less calories and burning the ones you eat off? I try to burn off every meal I eat, for instance, I'll have my soup for breakfast, which is about 250 calories, then the same the for lunch, which adds up to 500 calories, then I go out in the yard in the afternoon and shovel gravel, dig, wheelbarrow, rake, trim bushes, and I'll work till I feel shaky, which is usually at least a few hours. Then I'll have my dinner which is about 600 calories, and then I take my dog for a mild 45 minute walk later on, and burn 200-300 calories of it, leaving me about 400 calories a day total to supply my brain and the rest of me.

If you really enjoy pop maybe don;t cut it out completly maybe have 1/2 a glass once a week... There were lots of foods/drinks i enjoy ,,, but when you start to keep track of your meals and count the calories you start to realise that instead of the pop you could have something more satisfying...

i wish you all the best! YOU CAN DO THIS !!!!! we are always here when you need support.

Yeah, but I am doing just fine without the soda, it still sucks that you have to give it up, half glass would just temped me and keep me hooked haha, and then I would start the, "just one more" routine . I do thank you for taking the time to respond, I know I'm writing a lot and I am sure thats turning most people away from helping, and I am sure I will eventually see a change some time, its just really discouraging, I know it takes awhile to see changes, but 5 months of a complete U turn and just barely a 10 pound lose.. I just doesn't make sense.

Sorry if its way to long, if I don't type everything, then people get the wrong picture. I hope I get some more responses.

Thanks once again.:)
