can you help me

hi guys i need your help see i have about 5-6 pounds of fat i want to lose see i'm 5'2 and about 124 pounds see i was always short and a bit chubby but my life long goal is to have a six pack right so i need some help.

see i play basketball just about every day and i weight train 3 times a week so i guess you can say i'm sitting on my ass all day but no matter how much cardio i do i cant seem to lose those 5-6 pounds

and my deit is just what you can give me i just dont have one please help me out thank alot
robert13 said:
my deit is just what you can give me i just dont have one please help me out thank alot

Well, you answered your own question, diet diet diet. Everyone has ab muscles, to see them you need to remove the excess fat. Cardio & Diet, since you're already doing cardio, then diet.