Sport Can you carb cycle with an insulin spike?

Sport Fitness
Im currently working out a carb cycling program as im completely plateau-d in terms of burning some excess fat before i bulk a bit.

Also, im about to buy my next protein batch and some dextrose with it.
However, wouldnt taking dextrose conflict with the lower carb days?

Basically, do i always take dextrose Post workout as it wont be absorbed as fat so readily, or do i forget the dextrose on low and mid carbs days, or do i forget it altogether.

I got scared as i realised the number of kcals in 1 shakes worth would massively bump up the total number of post WO kcalories. Do i need the spike or not?

Finally, if i do get dextrose do i still need another sweetener with the plain whey? im guessing not.

I'd get the protein powder and the dextrose powder seperately. I have maltodextrin powder, and it only costs me 12 bucks of for a 12 pound tub, so it's a good deal. I wouldn't get the protein and dextrose together, because it will conflict with off days. Dextrose is meant to be post workout.

The protein powder I use is PVL Whey Gourmet. It's only $20 bucks for 2 pounds I think.