Can We use mind to lose weight?


New member
On a broadcast special edition of CNN's Larry King Live, Mr. King interviewed a panel of "mind experts" about how the thoughts you think literally turn into the events you experience, the material things you possess... AND even the health of your body.

For years, "positive thinking" and goal-setting were often criticized as "pollyanna" and "the law of attraction" was relegated into the category of "new age" fluff.

On the recent Larry King show, panel experts Bob Proctor, John Assaraf and others who were featured in the movie 'The Secret' explained that recent breakthroughs in neuroscience along with understanding mental laws, reveal why goal setting, the "law of attraction" and "positive thinking" all work, regardless of whether you look at them from a metaphysical or a scientific perspective.

Scientists have even identified specific parts of the brain, such as the reticular activating system (RAS), which works with the visual parts of our brain to call our conscious attention to things that are important to reaching our goals and to filter out those things that are unimportant.

The RAS is activated by "programming" goals into our sub-conscious minds. Our sub concscious mind is the "power center" and THIS is the mechanism that explains why goal setting and positive thinking are now being accepted as scientific methods for change.
Another one?

Must be the new year.

Don't worry, you aren't the only hypno guru here lately. You all should form a club.
I think your mind can be a powerful device for weight loss. Before I was oblivious when it came to my weight. I ate mindlessly. It wasn't until I became aware of being overweight and obsessed with losing it did results actual occur.

All that said, if you for one second think positive thinking can result in weight loss then you are a fool. The fact that I realized an entire pizza wasn't a meal and consciously decided to drastically reduce my calories is the reason. In other words, NOT THINKING but ACTION.

Let me put it another way: If you believe thinking positive is the way to end world hunger and not getting off your *** and doing something about it then I have a secret for you - you are useless and accomplish nothing. Tell me where I'm wrong.
There is a lot of truth to this. I used to view my marriage negatively, whine to my friends, and make fun of marriage in a negative manner and joke about it. No surprise this was a self-fulfilling prophecy. To change my marriage I had to first change my attitude towards it. I could not change my spouse, but I could sure change myself and how I reacted to things. Funny thing got much better. Now, it's great. By changing my attitude and my acitons/reactions, I was able to see change in the other aspects of the relationship.

I believe the same can be true for the personal relationship we all have with weight loss. A very negative attitude of "I can't do this" will not go nearly as far as "I can do this."
"What consumes your thoughts controls your mind." (from "What If" by Creed)

Mind controls everything.
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Big dude has it right. If we change our perspective, it will change our thoughts that will lead to a change in our actions and our results.

And that perspective shift can work for any part of our lives!

We create our choose wisely grasshopper.

No one has argued against not having a positive mindset for weight loss..

However I'll argue all day about the idea of 'wishing' or 'the secret' when it comes to weight loss. I can sit here positive about losing weight all I want but if I don't take the steps needed, it won't happen. It's the same crap people come here trying to sell their products and weight loss plans. To be honest, I should have deleted the post outright as it just encourages more people trying to sell things. Lucky, this one hasn't brought in people trying to spam more yet.
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I don't know what the intentions of the thread starter was...but by looking at the contributions that can be said that some positive posts were shared. Certainly you see the value in that?
Positive attitude leads to positive actions leads to positive results.

Negative attitude never accomplished anything.

For most of us, weight loss is about staying motivated. Negative attitude never accomplishes that. For me, the physical aspect of weight isn't the hard part of the battle. Less in than I burn and the physical takes care of itself. It's the mental aspect of motivation that presents the largest challenge.

This is similar to what I've learned playing golf. I know I can physically hit the little ball x yards with x club, etc. I've done it thousands of times. The difficult part is the mental aspect of the game, pressure (all of which is self-imposed), course management, etc.

Does that make sense?
A positive mindset might not always work...but a negative mindset works every time.

A positive mindset is far more likely to lead to (positive) action. Whereas if one had a negative mindset one is far likely to take any action at all.

So the positive mindset comes first. If you believe that you can do, that you will do it, that others have proved it before, that you are resourceful, that you are in control of your own destiny and are perfectly capable of making the right choices, that will lead to the right action...that will create the results you are after...then you are already part way there.

I understand that maybe you haven't yet found success with this and I also understand that one must ensure that people are aware of what is referred to here as spam... however, if the posting helps people to find motivation, to take control of how they are thinking, to get in the right frame of mind that will empower them and lead to them taking positive action for the benefit of their own wellbeing and good health, then that has got to be a good thing, right?

Henry Ford once famously said:
"Whether you think that you can, or you think that you can't...either way you get to be right"
(I have adapted the quote marginally).
If we approach something saying that we cannot do it...we will probably prove ourselves correct.
If we approach something saying that we can do it...we will probably prove ourselves correct.
Oh I understand that people are posting that people need to have the right mindset to lose weight..I'm just pointing out that this thread initially was just a scam.
Absolutely Weight Wizard,
Great post!