Can we get motion back with less aches and pains?


New member

I always wondered, if we start exercising again, will we be able to move better with less pain? I am 43, have not had vigorous or aeobic activity since having kids. I do play with them and am somewhat active (play basketball with kids or by myself-not in a team, walk) but not physically fit where my joint are fluid and moveable. I am not looking for a fountain of youth just want to have less aches and pains.

I hope I am asking clearly enough. :confused:

Believe me, if you keep on exercising, you will get a lot of your flexibility and range of motion back. It just takes time, that's all. You still might have some aches and pains -- but I'll take a leg cramp from working out any day, over back pain from inactivity.
the flexibility in my shoulder is still non existant and the pain is still there, it's how I know I actualy made it thru another night - but the lower back pain that constantly nagged at me - especially when I'd sit for more than 10 minutes is pretty much gone...

so constant movement does do something....
Thanks for answering.

I am glad there is some hope. I know the weight loss is beneficial but to have better movement on top of that would be an extra plus.

sorry about your shoulder Mal, I had surgery on mine, the pain is not there constantly but it is not the same. hopefully yours wil get better too.
