Can sugar cause a weight loss plateau?


New member
So For several months since last year (August) every night ive been having ice cream a big chunk og my calorie amount for the day containing 300+ calories and 30+ grams of sugar. Ive been at a plateau for such a long time over 2 months really between 112-114 and I was 106 and skinnier in august i want t be like that again. Does refined sugar like sweets hinder weight loss? Any experience with it? What happened when you quit? I am almost 2 days free of ice cream and instead have smart pop 100 calorie popcorn as a night snack.
Should I do fruit instead or 100 cal popcorn?

I just can't lose and this plateau is getting on my nerves I just want to fit into my clothes again.I eat between 900-1300 calories
Yes sugar can cause you to plateau. I would suggest you do a lower calorie snack. If you must have ice cream can you make your own using almond milk? This will lead you to fewer calories with more calcium.
Yes sugar can cause you to plateau. I would suggest you do a lower calorie snack. If you must have ice cream can you make your own using almond milk? This will lead you to fewer calories with more calcium.

Sugar alone does not lead to a plateau, that's just plain wrong. Also, almond milk doesn't have fewer calories than regular (on the contrary).

The plateau occurs when your body gets used to the amount of calories you take in and the exercise you do, and also, if you have lowered your calories too drastically and your body goes into 'starvation mode'. In both cases, you need to shake things up. Change the amount of calories you eat, either up or down. Introduce new exercises, or change the amount of time that you exercise. There is no need to cut out your ice cream completely, but maybe only have half of it. Cutting something out completely will make you crave it even more. It's not just one particular thing that makes you plateau, you always have to look at the entirety of your diet and exercise.