Can someone suggest a good EFA supplement

I'm considering starting to take some EFA supplements and want to know whats good out there. Eating fish isnt very cost effective (not to mention im not a very good cook).

Obviously, price is a major concern, but I also want to know whats most effective. There are so many different kinds out there, i dont even know where to start looking.

Any help is appreciated
I live and die by Udo's Choice Oil Blend.
Im with Stroutman, but if you cannot get your hands on that, Flax oil kept in the fridge is a perfect way to have EFAs at your finger tips.
Mix it into your shake for some fatty goodness :)
Yea, flax is cheaper and easier to come by. Thankfully I have a nutrition store a few blocks down from my home that sells Udo's for a reasonable price. :)
most flax oils that im seeing suggest 1-2 TBSP a day. Is this better spread out through out the day or is all at once just as good?
Depending on my meals during the day, I will have 1-2 tablespoons. If I am going to have 2 one day, I will take one tablespoon with my shake at breakfast, and the second with my 5th meal of the day.

Make sure you know your macronutrient intake. Many people go out and start buying supplements such as EFA's, yet they have no idea how much EFA is in their diets naturally.

Does not really make sense.
I have my macronutrients worked out in my current diet. Most of my fats are gained from meat, none of which are fish. I am willing to cut back on my fats in other areas if i will benefit significantly from taking an EFA supplement.

From what i understand EFAs are commonly found in fish and various nuts. I eat a few servings peanuts and almonds throughout the day. Would you consider this to be enough EFA's from food alone?
Probably not, and if most of your fats are from meat, that is not good. The fats in meats are saturated. This has to do with the fats molecular composition, but the only thing you need to worry about is the fact that saturated fats are not healthy.

Now, protein is very important in our diets, and if you are not a vegetarian, of course you are going to deriving your protein mainly from meats. But make sure you are sticking with lean meats such as chicken, turkey, fish, etc. That is very important! Red meat here and there is fine, but every day is something I would not recommend.

The remainder of your dietary fat should come from unsaturated fats, which is the group of fats that EFA belong to.
Agree with all of the above. Apart from fish & nuts, I take a flaxseed oil cap everyday. 1000mg I think. Dirt cheap from most good health food stores.
Alright so cut back on the red meat, replace it with white meats, and replace the lost fat with EFA supplements and other unsat fats.

I just get so sick of white meats after a while. they start to all taste the same
There are a lot of variations you can use for lean meats. Especially when it comes to fish, and each fish has a unique taste. The other thing is using different spices in cooking, if you are the chef. They say that variety is the spice of life, but it food, spice is the variety of taste.
Udo's is good but it doesn't include EPA/DHA the powerhouses in fish oil. Get yourself some fish oil caps and flax.
stroutman81 said:
New, where are you geting your info? I beg to differ regarding the EPAs and DHAs in Udo's.

The DHA/EPA that you can get from udo's have to be converted from the oil and the conversion ratio is very low.

Use both or use milled flax seeds and fish oil. Lot cheaper.
newf said:
The DHA/EPA that you can get from udo's have to be converted from the oil and the conversion ratio is very low.

Use both or use milled flax seeds and fish oil. Lot cheaper.

I would have to agree. According to the website it states that the conversion is appropriat for prenatal care, but not for this purpose, unless junkfoodbad is expecting (if so, Congrats!!) Plant forms of omega-3 do have to be converted, and the conversion is a lower ratio than what is in naturally occurring in fish. Both would be my recomendation.