Sport Can someone please explain to me CARBS?

Sport Fitness
I know carbs are in breads, pastas, etc. I know they slow down your metabolism too. But after that, I dont know the difference in complex and what ever the other kind is. Also, are things like whole grain pastas still considered bad carbs? If you also know how to shape a diet around losing weight and putting on muscle, please inform me haha thanks!
1. read the stickies
2. carbs don't "slow down your metabolism"....carbs are the primary source of energy
3. the more processed a carb, the worse it is. so, old fashioned or steel cut oats are better than quaker instant oatmeal, cheerioes, or whole grain bread. but whole grain bread beats white Wonder bread hands down. in moderation, everything is ok, but the more it looks like 'grain' the better (oats, rice, etc vs. flour based carbs like bread, pasta)
I know carbs are in breads, pastas, etc. I know they slow down your metabolism too. But after that, I dont know the difference in complex and what ever the other kind is. Also, are things like whole grain pastas still considered bad carbs? If you also know how to shape a diet around losing weight and putting on muscle, please inform me haha thanks!

Great question! For my follow up question, is it true that carbs can make you fat?
Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for the body. Those carbohydrates come from the plant-based foods that you eat. You can either use carbohydrates right away for your energy needs or your body can convert them into fat to use later. There are three types of carbohydrates -- sugars, starches and fiber.

Simple sugars are little molecules made up of one or two sugar units. In nutrition, the most basic simple sugar is glucose, C6(H2O)6, and it is the type of sugar our bodies and brains use for energy every day. Glucose is called a monosaccharide, which means "single sugar." Other monosaccharides include fructose, galactose, and ribose. Fructose is found in fruits and in vegetables, galactose is found in milk and ribose is best known as a component in ribonucleic acid, which is a part of genetic transcription and is found in the cells in our bodies.

Complex carbohydrates are long chains of the single sugar units. For example, the complex carbohydrate we know as starch is made up of many glucose units.

Your body prefers to use glucose as the main source of fuel for daily activity. Your muscles need glucose to move and your organs need glucose to function, including your brain. While the body can make glucose from extra dietary protein and fats you may eat, it is suggested that half of your daily calories come from carbohydrates. Try to get your carbohydrates from healthy sources such as whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Cookies, sodas, candy and other sweets are not so healthy.
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Basically what the last person is saying is that complex carbs last longer and simple carbs Which will give a short term but high burst of energy :).
I would say, eat foods as close to their natural state as possible. Not the refined, packaged varieties. But, rather than obsessing too much about carbs try to eat a well balanced diet that includes a bit of every food group. It has been medically proven that if you eat protein or healthy fat with carbohydrates it will slow down their absorption, which will help you stay full longer and will make sure you have even energy levels. So try to eat some protein and healthy fat with each meal.
15 grams of carbohydraytes= 1 carb choice. I do 3 carb choices a meal, so 45 grams (can have up to 4 choices a meal up to 60 grams, for me)

Alot of people may not know this. Once I started here, I had success!

I can let you know this information, but I am not telling you how much you should eat a day. You need to talk to your physican and/or a registered dietician to come up with an approprite meal plan for you, especially of you have health conditions.
With my background and personal expirience, I have learned alot.

Want to post more, but will have to come back for that!