Can Someone Help me with my Current Exercise and Diet?


New member
I'm 14 years old, 5 feet 5 inches, 140 pounds.
Breakfast: Whole Wheat Bread/Bagel with Cream Cheese/Peanut Butter and Water
School Lunch: School Milk, fruits (apple/orange/pear), salad/beans/peas, etc
Afterschool Lunch: Two eggs and chocolate milk (if anyone knows Horlicks with milk)
Dinner: Idk, maybe fruit and water
Basketball Handling Drills with Vertical Jump Drills. Not sure what exact drills to do but get it from youtube videos.
Jog/Run outside (Need to improve both running speed and stamina)
Inside house: Sit-ups and Curl-ups, (Can't do a single push-up!!!)
Need to work:
Thighs (MOSTLY)
Basketball Handling Skills
Basketball Skills (In General)
P.S: I'm not on a basketball team. I like playing basketball for fun with my friends (want to get better). My main priority is to lose weight and become stronger! Can anyone help me?
Welcome to the forum

I have little experience with basketball, however strength, speed and vertical jump are common requirements in many sports and a lot can be done to help with this.
I'm not sure what to eat for dinner and all. I don't know what else exercises I can do as well.
Not sure if your gender, but what you listed seems to be pretty healthy. Most purple get into weight problems when they eat too much of the wrong things. I'm glad to see the eggs in your daily intake list, but is say try adding some lean protein to dinner.

You can add things that are less meaty if you aren't a fan of meat. For example, I eat black beans (sometimes refried) with quinoa sometimes (yet, I love meat). They also have froze paleo meals at Wal-Mart noire if you don't want to cook/ask anyone else to make dinner.

I think your focus should be on working out, exercising. I'm trying to lose weight and been going strong since January. Pinterest is a great motivation tool if you use it right. I've got two boards filled with fitness motivation like before and after pics and then the other with workout routines. It is fantastic. A lot of great people showing their transformations and even some who have videos of what they do. I'm not sure i can give you the link on here, I read they have a big thing against links, but it is really helpful to me.

MS14, at only 14 it is unlikely you have gym access however you still have options. before I list some exercises for you what sort of equipment do you have access to at home ?
I mean right now I actually don't really have equipment except for a basketball and that's it. I went to a friend's house since he was an expert on these things and also because we haven't met in a while. He probably has some weights at home and I'll train myself with him. Right now, I saw a decrease in weight on the scale in which makes me happy!