Sport Can somebody school me on good fats

Sport Fitness
Can somebody help a new guy out with a quick class on fats. I understand the difference in good and bad fats (fruits vs. a Snickers bar) but can you have to many good fats. I've been eating a lot of almonds and avacodos as snacks and I just want to make sure I'm not doing more harm than good.
It really all depends on your weight, goals, and daily nutrient needs are. Whatever your daily maintenence number of calories is, a certain amount of those calories should come from healthy fats (olive oil, fish oil, flaxseed oil, fats from nuts, avacados, and some animal fat). Again, that amount depends on your goals. Whether you are eating in a deficit, surplus, or maintenence will decide how many of your cals should from fats. From there, divide by 9, and thats the total amount of fat grams you should have a day, since one gram of fat is 9 calories burned. Then, have an equal number of saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated fats. I think that's about it...
Do a Search on Omega 3's, Omega 6's, and Omega 9's. I read about these somewhere but I have to look into it too. Is BCAA's Fats?