I think Dem Franchise Boys did "Lean With it Rock With it"...I don't know if Mims or whoever is with them...
You'll probably have to Google the lyrics of their songs or actually listen to them to gain a fuller understanding.
And, well, I guess I was a off before. People have a choice to listen to what they want, and they make poor ones. But what I don't get is, why do the radios play these songs ALL THE TIME? Even when they aren't very popular. It's like they have a god damn agenda. Don't even get me started on MTV and BET, I hate those stations with an undying passion.
Still, the mere fact that these songs were playing perpetually through some parts of my life (IE, Lean wit it rick wit it, miss new booty, etc and my senior year), I still hold some nostalgic connections with them. HOWEVER, this does not excuse the fact that they are totally ****ty songs, in terms of quality.