Can somebody explain to me the success of Mims and "This is why I'm Hot"?

I am sitting here listening to "This is why I'm hot", you know the song by mims which has topped 5 US charts including Billboard top 100, and I am thinking to myself how the f**k is this song doing so well. It's terrible.
Exactly. I have no idea how these terrible songs do so well. "Lean wit it, rock wit it." "Now walk it out" ... I guess it's just the beats and how they repeat the same 5 words throughout the song. idk lol
That is why I dont listen to new music. I listen to the old school. Although occasionaly I will hear a new song I like. But im still :cool:
I am forced to listen to this music via the gym or other places where I have no control of music like clubs and ****.

People are stupid as hell...these songs are stupid as hell...

Case solved.

"Do yo chain hang low
Do it wobble to and fro
Do it shine in the light
Is is platinum is it gold?"

"This is why I'm hot, this is why I'm hot
I'm hot cause I'm (whatever) you ain't cuase you not
This is why this is why this is why this why I'm hot.
I can make a mil sayin nothin on that track"

The last lyric is particularly true. People are god damn stupid.
I choose the music at my gym :D

Heres some that annoy me!

"gunna rob the jewlery store gunna make me a grill"
"the top rows diamonds and the bottom rows gold"

Oh my god where do they think up some of this s***. Ill tell you who really anoys me and thats missy elliot. WORST i repeat WORST repeater I have ever heard.

Give me some g&r mettalica or anything from that era and Im as happy as larry.

Does anyone like this music or is it only for the brain dead? Probably couldnt fill out their regisration to join the forum lol.
What's a Mims?

Seriously, I had to google him/them/whatever. I've heard the title "Lean With it, Rock with it" only because of the cat pic with those words:

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I also have no idea what you're talking about. Of course it's been a LONG time since I've given a two &#%^s about mainstream music.

I think Dem Franchise Boys did "Lean With it Rock With it"...I don't know if Mims or whoever is with them...

You'll probably have to Google the lyrics of their songs or actually listen to them to gain a fuller understanding.

And, well, I guess I was a off before. People have a choice to listen to what they want, and they make poor ones. But what I don't get is, why do the radios play these songs ALL THE TIME? Even when they aren't very popular. It's like they have a god damn agenda. Don't even get me started on MTV and BET, I hate those stations with an undying passion.

Still, the mere fact that these songs were playing perpetually through some parts of my life (IE, Lean wit it rick wit it, miss new booty, etc and my senior year), I still hold some nostalgic connections with them. HOWEVER, this does not excuse the fact that they are totally ****ty songs, in terms of quality.
But who buys the ****? It is actually terrible music. I actually listened "This is why I'm hot" and thought it was some kind of joke. Top of 5 charts. What a joke. Yeah, I've come to the conclusion that I'm disowning any song which enters into the top 20.
The reason most songs like This Is Why Im Hot do good is because of the catchy, deep bass beat. We all have the kids in our neighborhood that turn their radio all the way up so you can hear the deep bass pumping. And out of the 26 lines they say that you cant understand at all, they throw i or 2 catchy lines in there that you can understand. " im hot cause im fly, you aint cause you not" or I can sell a mil saying nothing on the track"
lmao. and they dubbed that song now too. it has some kind of jamacian guy singing "this is why we haaaaaaat...this is why we haaaayaaaaat" i heard that 2 times on the school bus in one day. i thought they were making fun of it too.
Get the song

Divinyls, I touch myself

lol I play it when flexing in the mirror and think of women looking at me in a couple years time when I am a muscle man :D

People will pretty much eat up whatever you give them, if you give it to them in the right incriments and often enough.

IE, all day on the tv and radion for 2 or 3 months.
lmao. and they dubbed that song now too. it has some kind of jamacian guy singing "this is why we haaaaaaat...this is why we haaaayaaaaat" i heard that 2 times on the school bus in one day. i thought they were making fun of it too.

LMAO i knew it was a remix but now that you put it like that, it does sound like they are making fun of it. hahah too funny.
They always play that Akon song that goes something like, "I wanna **** already knowwww..." at my gym. Now that I have a workout partner though, I can't just put on an iPod to drown it out.

It makes me wish I were back in the 80's/early 90's, when music back then was actually good stuff.
I think, from this topic, we can justify that downloading music off the internet is perfectly fine. As music now a days is so bad, downloading is just keeping the artists alive :D