Weight-Loss Can One Thing Ruin Everything? how is this possible?



New member
Lets say for the entire day i'm eating well except for the one 24 oz dunkin doughnuts coffee with cream and sugar.

is this ruining all of my hard work? or is it okay considering im eating small healthy, low/no sugar meals the rest of the day?

its been very very hard for me to even get to this point...i haven had juice or soda in so long.....its just that one thing.

must i weed this out too?

my diet:
-morning: oatmeal/lots of fruit/herbal tea
-evening: can of chunky soup/lemonade with stevia
-dunkins coffee
-dinner: broccoli with brown rice and herbal tea
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how exactly do you think it's going to ruin anything?

is it going to send you into a sugar frenzy where you hoover the entire display case of donuts -then just make the calories work in your day :)
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You think that coffee with sugar is bad? Is it the sugar? you would have to put in a boat load of sugar to have it make that much of a difference. Each one of those little packets are 16 cal. How many do you use? 3? 4? That would be a lot, but still only an additional 64 calories. Not much of a sin, is it?
DD does put a heaping amount of cream in their coffee

a 10 ounce coffee w/ cream and sugar is 120 calories

so the 24 ounce would be about 300..

it can work in a day
If all you eat during the day is what you listed I'm thinking you need a few more cups of DD coffee. That isn't much food to eat for an entire day. Do you even know how many calories you are taking in?
to be honest i dont know how many calories im taking in.....im reallyjust trying to find a way of eating thats convienient...using thigns i already ahve in my home......with the exception of the coffee.
This may shock people to hear this from me, but NO it isn't ruining everything. Not as far as weight loss anyway. I mean, it isn't healthy, but it isn't super fattening either. You can ask them to put less, When I go to DD (on rare occasion) I ask for a very little bit of cream and they comply. Perhaps you can also widdle down to 16oz if you think it is harming your diet.