Can Maximuscle be taken with yogurt?

Unfortunatly you have given in to the hype and got maximuscle.

Cut your losses, and thow it at an ungly person. Then go and get some body fortress from holland and barret. Its half price for about 5monts of the year.

If you want to buy online go to

When buying protein, look for protein content and make sure its got nothing else in it. Maximuscle is a real waste cos its got so much stuff in it to make it more expensive, but its got nothing that you couldn't get in your diet for half the price.

You can mix it with yoghurt if you have a food mixer and you dont mind doing a lot of washing up. remember when measuring out ammounts that a let will be left stuck to the sides.
Get a shaker cup, they work wonders.

Or the xc945 blender that Tony and RL were raving about lol
I have a shaker flask if thats what you mean. Its just intaking the stuff, just wished it had a nicer after taste. :( if I added lots of milk would it change anything?
dextrose isn't used as a sweetner, its used as a carb source. but it IS sweet. it might help the flavor.