Can L-Glutamine help in cardio?

So I've been doing a lot of cardio lately (over 1 hour sessions) and I need to make sure I don't lose a lot of muscle. I'm getting a lot of protein immediately after the workout but from what I've heard, L-glutamine before a cardio workout can help to prevent muscle loss. Is this true, and how much should I take? And if this is the case, how long can I do moderate-intensity cardio before I start hitting muscle instead of fat stores? BTW, I usually do it at about 150-170 bpm. My max heart rate according to the 220-age method is 204. So apparently I'm usually around 70-80% of my max heart rate.
no, glutamine wont do that. supplement companies use research on HIV patients and burn victims to make those claims.
I disagree with abear...

Glutamine as a a daily supplement will help. WHo cares that it was tested on burn victims??? It slows down "muscle-wasting" and that is the bottom line. Doesn't matter if you suffer from HIV, burns, snake-bite, or intense cardio.
70-80% of glutamine consumed orally doesnt survive the gut. you have been duped by supplement companies using research on the aforementioned individuals. those results could not be replicated in healthy weight trainers.

now since it gets absorbed in the gut, it does make a difference in those who have trouble in that area. also it'll help ppl like pre-contest bodybuilders and endurance trainers. but for the majority of ppl, it serves no purpose.
not at all. i believe glutamine is actually a good supplement, but only for what it can be used for.

for those with some kind of digestive "issues", glutamine can work wonders. for those in an extreme catabolic state like pre-contest bodybuilders or marathon runners, glutamine can work wonders.
70-80% of glutamine consumed orally doesnt survive the gut. you have been duped by supplement companies using research on the aforementioned individuals. those results could not be replicated in healthy weight trainers.

now since it gets absorbed in the gut, it does make a difference in those who have trouble in that area. also it'll help ppl like pre-contest bodybuilders and endurance trainers. but for the majority of ppl, it serves no purpose.

I thought that when you take l-glutamine to prevent it from bing digested by your stomach you drink it on an empty stomach which instead would digest it in your small intestine which would absorb a greater amount of it instead of letting waste away in your stomach, yes some will be absorbed through the stomach but you could also drink it with cold water slowing down your stomaches ability to digest it.
Glutamine is great take 5 g before and after workout and you can definitely see the difference when you train.
Its a great supplement.

But first point

1 hour cardio is to much id say increase the intensity and go for 30 minutes this way you have less chance of losing muscle.

Second would be to take BCAA this stops muscle wastage more than glutamine.

But if losing fat is your aim its down to diet.