Can jog for only 2 mins! Need help,advice!


I have been reading the other threads here and it is obvious to me that I am a greenhorn when it comes to jogging and running! I am a little embarrassed posting this thread here, but I figured that if any one can give me the right advice, then it must be running and jogging enthusiasts!

I am a 25yrs old female and stand 4 feet 11 inches tall. At present i weigh 116 pounds (52.4kg). I have decided to lose a good few pounds and do this by jogging.

The only problem is that I can jog for only a maximum of 2 mins! I get out of breath and experience severe pain in my calves. Is this normal or is something wrong with me?

This is the first time that I am trying to lose weight by exercising. I have never been the outdoor kind and have never played any sport.

I have since stopped jogging, but I have been going for 2 km walks the past week.

Any advice or tips will be much appreciated!

I have realised that I am leading an unhealthy lifestyle and want to put an end to it.

Thanks a million! :)
Give that a look.


Many rookies cannot run more than 2 minutes. The secret is to do a run/walk program. Walk a little bit to loosen up, run for as long as you can, walk until your heart rate is under control (i.e., doesn't feel like your heart is gonna explode). Repeat. Do this 3 or 4 times daily the first week and gradually increase the duration of runs and you'll be ready. You might also want to do this every other day at first if your calves continue to bother you.
hey there. good job on trying something out of your comfort zone! i would recommend making small goals that will allow you to improve quickly. when i first started running, i found that by just pushing myself that much further than i did at my last run, my stamina grew really quick. if 2 minutes is hard for you, i would suggest to make sure and warm up for about 5 minutes with walking and stretching then... set your watch and run for 2 minutes, walk for 2 minutes and then run for 2 more. or.... start tacking on time to every run. do 2 minutes for two runs, on runs 3 and 4, try running 2.5min. and 3min. you can always push yourself just that much more....especially if it's just for 30 more seconds.
running, for a lot of people, is very uncomfortable when beginning but stick with it and you will be surprised at how fast you begin running longer and feeling better!

good luck!
severe pain in your calfs? does it feel like lactate? How about if you just walk uphill, severa pain then too? Also, try to jog slower. It could just be that you're in horrible shape, or the calfs could be cronic compartment syndrome.
I started running back in April. When I first ran, I could only do it for a couple of minutes. It was hard for me at first but after a few weeks I was able to run for hours. It just takes time, training and a proper diet. Not only running but strength training of the upper body to have good running posture. Run by keeping your upper body vertical and not slouching forward.
Are you stretching before hand? Drinking plenty if water? And when you say jog, you don't mean sprint?
Start off slowly, don't feel discouraged as what you're doing is harder than anything else you've tried. What you need to do is work on your aerobic system, you can do this by say walking to work, or just not using the car as often. This is obvisously only for when you're starting. Soon you'll get fitter and then you can up your work amount, just keep going and you'll do great