Can I lose weight this way?

Recently, my treadmill incline broke and I would usually do 3.5 at 10% incline for 45 minutes. I hate running so I am waiting for it to get fixed, which may be another month unfortunately. Meanwhile, I have work from 830-430 working with kids as a camp counselor. Sports, swimming, etc. Can this replace my exercise on the treadmill until its fixed? Do you think I can still expect weight loss if I am eating healthy? If not, do you think I should walk on the treadmill for 45min at say, 4.0? Just so I have some kind of cardio? I really want to continue losing weight but I am so exhausted when I come home from work that I cannot get myself to run. Walking/jogging I think I could do. What do you guys think? Can work replace my exercise or should I get myself on the treadmill? Thanks for your input. :)

((Sorry I posted this in the wrong forum before ))
I think if you're eating healthy you will still lose weight, just not as fast as you did with cardio. Running around with kids all day is alot of exercise though! I'd say either way you'll lose weight.. but cardio in my experience bumps up the speed of the weight loss.
If you are excercising it doesnt matter where you do it. If you feel like you are getting a good workout at work then you will be ok. If you feel you need more excercise than use the tread mill.
I'd make sure you're eating a good lunch during the day at work. To be honest, the thing that started that started MY good eating habbits was being sick and tired of always being...well... sick and tired. I'd always be tired when I got home from work and was always feeling weak and it'd get me sick pretty easy so I ended up taking a look at my diet and putting in some strategies. Starchy carbs usually make me feel lethargic anyways, so I started eating more protiens (tuna, chicken) and veggies and I felt like a new man. I don't know if its just me, but V8 juice to me was like high octane gas. If V8 juice just isn't your thing, a garden salad at lunch time does it for me too. Instant energy boost. Also, keep in mind if you're being constantly active for a long time even though you may not feel like you're "working out" you're still using up a lot of water so make sure you keep hydrated during the day.