Weight-Loss Can I have some advice on these options please.

I am going out for a 3 course meal on Saturday night and I don't know what to pick off the menu. I wish I could get out of it but I can't, so here is the menu:

I am thinking of not getting a pudding or just giving it to hubby as he loves sweet stuff.

I am only allowed 1400 calories a day. I plan to blast the gym that day obviously.

To be honest I just don't want to wreck all my hard work.....so what would you order?

Many Thanks

Going crazy once won't wreck your results, as long as you stay on your plan long term.

Think about it this way:

Let's say you eat 3 meals a day (I'll take that as a minimum). That means you'll eat 21 meals in a week.

Then that one nice dinner is really not going to wreck everything else you did, especially if you're also exercising and so on.

In fact, if you cut yourself some slack for once, you may keep mentally stronger and ready to get going again for the next while to come.

Unless of course you know that if you allow yourself something once, you'll fall off your plan completely thinking something like "it doesn't matter now anymore anyway". In that case, on this particular menu, I'd go for the choices with little carbs.

But personally, I wouldn't worry too much about it. Have something you enjoy and then get back on track the next day. That's fine.
Hi Siobhan,

Honestly I would say not to worry about it and eat what you like. This is one of those things that I believe falls under the category of "you have to live your life". As long as you don't eat like this every day, then you should be ok. Put in a little extra time at the gym, maybe eat a little more lightly earlier in the day, and then enjoy your meal out.

You won't eat enough in one meal at this place to gain back fat (keep in mind that it takes 3500 calories over and above your maintenance to create fat), although you may retain some fluid from excess sodium (restaurant food is pretty high in sodium usually).

So just enjoy your night out and remember that it's just one night. :)