Sport can i eat these?

Sport Fitness
I like to eat lean cusine and healthy choice duirng the day for meals, is this ok? I have read it is not good to eat processed foods but these only have 200-300 calories a pop and they are quick.
No, drop them quick.

Anything pre-made and processed is likely to contain sugars that are far worse than natural fats.

You're better have 400 good kcalories than 300 bad ones, even if it does take a minute or two more to prepare.
check for sweeteners, flavourings, additives, colourings, chemicals etc

you asked the question and got the answer that 99.9% of people on here will ask. 'quick' is hardly ever condusive to being healthy, its an excuse for not making that little extra effort. im willing to bet you're spending more on 1 pre made meal than if you were to make it yourself.

Pre make and freeze, make in bulk in advance when you do have an hour spare, have a sandwich; just dont give into food labelled as healthy, low in fat (apart fron naturally low in fat) lean, carb-free, fat-reduced etc etc.
You may eat whatever you like. It's your choice. It may set you back for awhile but if you want it go for it. I wouldn't recommend eating Lean Crusine and other things like that.
You may eat whatever you like. It's your choice. It may set you back for awhile but if you want it go for it. I wouldn't recommend eating Lean Crusine and other things like that.

Great, the fitness site that PROMOTES doing anything that prevents you getting what you came on here to find out how to do.

The better the food you put in, the better and quicker the results will be. Cheating for whatever reason is ok in strict moderation, but the more you cheat, the harder your going to find the whole process. No point taking two steps forward and one back.

It IS your choice, 100%, but only you can be accountable for what you get back.
Most meals i make only take about 10 mins to prepare. Things like oatmeal, smoothies, tuna, eggs, ect. So microwaving one of those meals takes the same time to make oatmeal(milk or water+microwave for 2 mins). So i don't really see a prob with eating healthy and not having time?
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I'll probably get shot at for this, but here goes...

Lean Cuisines aren't the devil.

Should you eat them all the time? Nope. Can you eat them occasionally and still reach your goals? yes.

They are low in fat, low in calories, many of them are lower in sodium than several other foods - and take 2-3 min in the microwave, which is much more realistic for many people than spending 2 hours on Sun cooking up chicken and veggies to eat 5 days in a row.

Yes, yes of course you should never dare to eat anything other than perfectly pure and fresh foods. Any flavorings, sweeteners, colorings or any other such evil thing should never pass your lips. But, in the off chance that you decide to live on the wild side every great now and then and eat something other than tuna, chicken, and veggies - Lean Cuisines won't kill you.

The main things to remember are
A.) don't ever confuse low fat/carb/calorie for healthy
B.) you have to find a realistic way to eat as good as you can. If that involves the occasional low fat/calorie convenience food, it's not the end of the world - just try not to make a habit of it.
Great, the fitness site that PROMOTES doing anything that prevents you getting what you came on here to find out how to do.

The better the food you put in, the better and quicker the results will be. Cheating for whatever reason is ok in strict moderation, but the more you cheat, the harder your going to find the whole process. No point taking two steps forward and one back.

It IS your choice, 100%, but only you can be accountable for what you get back.

I apology about my comment. I am not supporting those "meal" things. I was just saying it's her choice to eat them or not. If she wants to delay her results it's her choice. She can do as she wishes.
They arent that bad. I fully agree with deschains post. If you cant get the ingrediants or just dont have time to prepare then they are one hell of a better move than picking up a pizza.

One meal every now and again isnt going to destroy you.
The original post isnt about having the odd one when its not practical to get real food prepared; it says they are eaten because they are quick and low in kcals and it sounds very much like its a regular thing.

My point is that these are the things we should try to avoid as much as possible. The idea that low kcalorie meals are healthy is nonsense, and people should focus on eating cleaner rather than low kcal. Yes they are fine once in a while, but not as an excuse to not prepare your own, as deskilla states.
Hmm, total calories matter far more than how "healthy" something is imo.

Eating clean but missing your caloric target obviously won't get you anywhere.
Eat the right amount of kcals but made up of processed, sweetened, coloured, flavoured food will stunt your goals also, particularly when trying to lose weight.

Its not a matter of either/or, it should be both.
So my oatmeal somehow become a worse meal because I add artificial sweeteners to it? I seriously doubt that.

Your idea that 400 "good" kcals are better than 300 "bad" kcals I think is just plain wrong and counterproductive info to give people trying to lose weight. It's advice like that which make people eat too much and remain overweight because they think that as long as it's healthy, it's ok. A 33% increase in calories don't just go away because you're eating "healthy foods".

For strictly weight loss purposes, you can lose weight by creating a caloric deficit while eating nothing but french fries. It's not healthy by any means, but that doesn't mean you can't lose weight.

You can also gain weight while eating nothing but fresh, whole, healthy foods.

In general, processed foods should be avoided as much as possible, regardless of whether or not you are trying to lose weight. However, eating low cal processed foods, while not healthy to do all the time, will not hinder wt loss efforts.

I stand by my comment - try your best not to do it too often, understand that low fat,etc doesn't mean always mean healthy.
Thats not what im saying, if someone was to come on here and say "i want to lose weight, im going to either eat 2000 kcals of french fries a day, or 2000 kcals of chicken and veg", which would you tell them to go for?

When I said 400 good were better than 300 bad i wasnt suggesting that she ate more than she needed overall, just dont sacrifice good eating to save time and end up eating crap everyday. I havent once mentioned total intake, thats a different issue.

The point is that if your aim is to lose fat you should be eating the right amount of kcals of good food that the body can take good nutrients, the original post just wanted an opinion on 1 meal.
So whats the point of eating healthy if you can lose the same weight eating french fries all day, staying in cal range of course.
I also get greasy skin if I eat crap. And staying at low cals eating dirty food means you can only eat very, very little and always be very, very hungry.
And some nice low-GI carbs gives you much better and stable energy levels than running on sugar and fat.
I also think low-GI carbs give you more stable insulin levels which means you're not as likely to build fat and lose muscle as you are with high-GI carbs that sends you insulin levels on a rollercoaster ride.
So whats the point of eating healthy if you can lose the same weight eating french fries all day, staying in cal range of course.

Because it is practically all empty calories, you will be getting hardly any vitamins/minerals and your body will broke down over time, blood pressure would spike and youll be dead by the time your 30.

Not to mention you'll always be hungry and having sugar cravings.
I eat clean food, lots of fruits veggies, whole wheat bread and i struggle to go over 2000 because i am full and dont need to eat anymore.